Recommended Reading:



The 48 Laws Of Power - Robert Greene
The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Dating & Seduction
Dog Training - Lew Burke
Frogs to Princes - Richard Bandler & John Grinder
The Game - Neil Strauss
How to Get the Women You Desire Into Bed - Ross Jeffries
How to Pick Up Girls - Eric Weber
Influence - Robert Cialdini
Introducing NLP - Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour
Mastering Your Hidden Self - Serge Kahili King
My Secret Garden - Nancy Friday
Nice Guys Don't Get Laid - Marcus Meleton
No More Mister Nice Guy - Robert A. Glover
The Red Queen - Matt Ridley
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
Sperm Wars - Robin Baker
Unlimited Power - Anthony Robins

Reading recommended by Style, Clifford (Cliffs List), Brad P.


The Truth About Women - Unknown

Leave The PickUp Community - Pakwatch



Style Life Challenge (July 2006)
Routine Sheet
Generating Stories
Identity Details
Loops and Threads
Red Queen
Ring Finger Routine
Challenger Openers

Mystery Method Collaboration Project - over 1000 pages of openers, routines, tips, etc

David DeAngelo - Interviews David Shade on how to give a woman intense physical pleasure

EFT manual - Emotional Freedom Technique
Tapping Book - by Magnus. Full version can be found at

Dallas PUA Society

Mystery Method Cheat Sheet


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