BRAD P.'s recommended reading:


1. No More Mister Nice Guy by Marcus Meleton

2. The Red Queen by Matt Ridley

3. Unlimited Power by Anthony Robins

4. The Shocker by Brad P.



Hey bro
Yeah sure- here's a few good books-
No More Mister Nice Guy
The Red Queen - well you probably know that one
Unlimited Power from tony robbins is good
How to want what you have is a good one
The Shocker from Brad P. put that one on the list.
I have 2 more books coming out as this year, and I
have a series of 12
CDs you should list . . .

. . . Looks like you have a very well run lair.Cliff spoke
highly of it and that's why i decided to poke my head in and check it

talk to ya soon



Wed, 16 Aug 2006 19:13:26 -0700 (PDT)