Okay so I'm past the opening stage and maintaining a conversation with a girl and keeping her interested...I think I need to become more sexual.....in other words, have her develop more of a sexual attraction for me....right now, I think I'm at a point where I'm the random guy that comes in that's so fun to be around and is constantly making people around him laugh, and I get numbers, but I never escalate into her possibly coming back to my place.....
I'm trying to reprogram...
I'm developing a myspace or actually redesign the whole thing, update it, configure it along the lines of advice of what fellow PUA's have given, so hopefully I can attempt online picking up and try new routines/lines out on girls that I dont' know and just experiment...
right now on facebook, i'm talking to a couple different girls, but I want to escalate somehow...dont' really know how to go about doing it...
First there is HB7.5.....I'm in a fraternity, she's in a sorority....we're doing this Greek Week Dance together where sororities and fraternities on campus are paired up with each other and compete against each other in a dance competition....so HB7.5 hit it off at our little IceBreaker we had a few weeks ago and I just told her at a random point in our initial conversation, "That's it....I've decided we are dancing together" or something along those lines.....we were hitting it off so well that she laughed and was like, "okay, cool." Well, we end up not dancing anymore because she is taking classes to prepare her for Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Tryouts....we're kind of joking around back and forth on facebook and this is what has developed....
February 29th 12.36 A.M.
HB7.5 :thanks for the sweaty hug today! haha that sounds gross
March 2nd 3.03 P.M.
tpxgloveboy:ya i'm going to have to bring an extra towel....like one of those beach towels next time I go to the gym....not for me, but for you...lol
March 2nd 6.03 P.M.
HB7.5: hahaha ok so write on my wall 5 days after i write on yours then insult me!!! thats okay!!!
March 2nd 9.14 P.M.
tpxgloveboy:i was just letting the suspense build up...we need to run TOGETHER sometime though
March 2nd 11.34 P.M.
HB7.5: yes we do!! im usually up there!! i bet i can outrun you i have GREEEAAAAAT stamina!
March 3rd 11.38 A.M.
tpxgloveboy: whoa.....so now you're calling me out and you're related to Tony The Tiger??? you are of a higher class than I originally thought Ms. HB7.5
March 3rd 12.45 P.M.
HB7.5: oh yeah me and tony go wayy back!! lol your funny!
okay....I guess first of all, how do you guys think my game is up to this point based on this observation? I guess i"m doing a push-pull thing by telling her I need to bring an extra towel because she sweats too much but then saying she is a higher class (although I do say it sarcastically)....I get the comment that I'm funny a lot, but I usually just say 'thanx' or something mundane....how can I go about my game from here? How can I change it up? She is into me...I've already told her since she skipped out on being my dance partner, she can make it up by taking me to dinner which she agreed....I don't know...
Also, just a side question....do you guys believe that there are girls out there who are truly good, innocent girls where formulas and methods dont' work out and they are just genuine down-to-earth girls or can they all be broken?
My 2nd facebook interaction is going along the lines of this:
So this is HB8.5 who I met by going to a fundraiser they had and meeting her and definitely hit it off...
Last week, I decide to restart some convo between me and her on facebook...
February 27th 1.20 P.M.
tpxgloveboy: ha....you are so gangsta with those deuces...haha
March 2nd 4.27 P.M.
HB8.5: i know this!....lol...so what have you been up to? haven't seen you around in awhile?
March 3rd 11.35 A.M.
tpxgloveboy: haha i took you for one of those girls who likes to chill on the couch at home with some Ben & Jerry's ice cream watching movies curled up in a blanket, and then OCCASIONALLY you'll go out on the town.....are my assumptions wrong?
March 3rd 4.07 P.M.
HB8.5: really? well, im kind of both. I like to chill, but I do go out a lot. When it's really cold outside I like to stay in bc I don't like the cold. What about you? Ur more of the going out type right?
Okay, so that's all that's been said on that exchange....I can see she is qualifying herself or whatever.....I think I could go for the number here or even get her to come out with me sometime....how should I go about doing this or even escalating somehow?