Best Inner game stuff!

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Best Inner game stuff!

Postby Maver1ck » Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:17 am


I know a lot of guys, including me, have struggled with approach anxiety and coming to grips with our desires as men.

I have gone through some of the programs on inner game and I just want to say what helped me most.

check out some of these books and programs. They helped me a lot and hope they will help you.

1. Absent father, lost son (book)- Gives you solid understanding of the missing father, physically, emotionally and the impact of not having a mature masculine role model.

2. Deep innerGame - Excellent program by David De Angelo. Gives you tools on how to find what is wrong and fix your innergame problems. Very powerful, simple and effective.

3. On being a man, who naturally attracts women - by David De Angelo. tells us what it is to be a man. and what has happened to create the kind of men we are. and what we can do to change it. gives you processes and tools to become a man!

The main theme is women just are, but men have to be made! and there were certain initiations that men must have gone through, that they haven't and how it is impacting us psychologically and in all areas of our lives.

4. Core Transformation - Connirae Andreas
Gives you a process that you can use to transform an unwanted behavior or state and get you to a core empowering state!

5. Mind lines - Michael hall
Reframing at its best. how you can reframe and transform your beliefs, situations, limiting beliefs, and incorporate empowering beliefs. Excellent book on working and changing your beliefs!

6. Transforming your self - Steve Andreas
Changing your self image is the key to changing your self esteem. He gives you steps to take to change your self image, thus changing your whole self esteem. I know this has been my weak point and i am still working on these processes. but they are powerful!

7. Dragon Slaying - Michael hall
State management is key to success in anything in life. especially when you approach a woman. Dragon slaying is all about how to change your bad, useless 'dragon' states and bring powerful new useful states!

8. NLP: the new technology of achievement - Nlp comprehensive. powerful NLP techniques. A lot of them. just simple and straightforward and easy!

Sincerely hope you use some of this and get better at the game!
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Postby Maver1ck » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:22 am

Affirmations work when you are starting out, but know that it will take some time for the affirmations to work. and you have to be willing to repeat the affirmations a lot.

Here's a simple 3 step formula for affirmations:

1. You can also try to relax your whole body by tightening all the muscles in the body and then loosening them.

2. Breathe through your belly deeply3-5 times

3. and then give the suggestions. this is what hypnosis does to a certain extent. by relaxing yourself, you are bypassing your conscious mind and going directly to your subconscious mind.

Make sure the suggestions are stated in
1. the positive
2. present tense
3. short. max 1 sentence.

Remember that you may have to do this atleast 21 days or more to see results. this takes time! but it worked for me.
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Re: Best Inner game stuff!

Postby Tribulus1000 » Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:16 pm

Maver1ck wrote: 5. Mind lines - Michael hall
Reframing at its best. how you can reframe and transform your beliefs, situations, limiting beliefs, and incorporate empowering beliefs. Excellent book on working and changing your beliefs!

I read this book. Its not an easy read and I feel it is overly complex for what we do.

I wondered what you thought about it. Has it been useful to you?

Frame control is one of the most important parts of what we do in pickup and seduction, IMO.
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Postby Maver1ck » Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:02 am

It has clear language. It does need for you to put focus and take it in slowly.

Don't read the theory first. maybe, you need to see results. so try some of the exercises in the book.

I don't know what edition you have, I have the 5th edition and in it,

read chapter 2 page 47-55. (if you choose to, go directly to pg 50, to do the exercise)

chapter 16 gives you how to use what reframing, with whom and when. how to apply this!

Getting someone to do it with helps a lot. if not, you can do it solo too. it is like any other skill, it may take 3-5 days of doing it, before you get a handle on it.

I felt the same way, when I read it first, that this seems complex. but if you really pay attention, it is not. keep an open mind and read it slowly. This seems to help me.

It will pay off in the huge dividends(Best Frame control!) that you get!
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Postby Maver1ck » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:07 am

Another book on reframing that is a much easier read is

winning the inner game - michael hall
or older edition - Frame games - michael hall

This is much simpler and easier to understand and implement!
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