Working with your wing.

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Working with your wing.

Postby Scoundrel » Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:03 am

I don’t think we’ve covered this here, at least I haven’t seen anything about it.

You should be able to “vibe” with your wing. Done well, the two of you will be like one of the great comedy teams of the past (Abbot & Costello, Laurel & Hardy, Martin & Lewis, Aykroyd & Belushi). Your wing can help you lead a conversation so you can DHV and you will return the favor.

For example, while we’re in set, my wing might say “Dude! Tell them about the time you got backstage at that Kiss show” then I can tell my story. Next, I’ll set up one of his stories. It must go both ways.

Both of you need an “Accomplishment Intro.” Something impressive that you’ve done to let the HBs know you’re a cool guy. Using my self as an example again, my wing would open a set, hook them in and say, “I’m going to introduce to my friend Scoundrel. The guy is the most amazing guitar player. All the girls love him. You’re going to love him.” Then I would come in and he’d introduce me making sure I know whom his target is. He could then go to buy himself a drink and while he’s gone, I’ll tell the HBs his accomplishment Intro by asking, “how do you guys know wing? You just met him? He is such a cool guy! Did you know he…?” When he comes back, the HBs will be more interested in him. Later I could open another set, doing the same thing and we could merge both sets. Now things are starting to get FUN!
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A good wing

Postby El Fenix » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:00 am

It is for this reason, there are a few main people I sarge with, and some people I wont sarge with. With a few people, it just works. With others, it's like getting a tooth pulled....all night.
My best advice on this is to find guys you work well with, and stick to those few people.
The truth is, some guys are a liability to you as a wing in the field. Not neutral, but liability. Some guys are an asset. Stick with the assets.
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