Grinding Tactics

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Grinding Tactics

Postby Real » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:55 pm

Good clubs are those that are well-lit! Ok, here are my tips on grinding:
1. Grow long hair.
2. If you don't have long hair then go for an extremely short cut. Preferably showing scalp.
3. A guy who is big doesn't have to care about the length of his hair!
4. A thin guy will find it difficult to get hot girls!
5. Asian chicks rarely dance with any guy out of their race
6. Bright colors are attractive. Black with red stripes is the best I've seen.
7. Go late. Once the dance floor has picked up you can go and choose what you want.
8. It is best to go upto a girl who hasn't noticed you in the club yet. Just go grind her.
9. Don't stand there and look at girls dance too long. They will reject you when you approach them later. If they notice you staring at them then you are out.
10. Belts can sometimes be bad. It can poke the girls.
11. Dark shirts are attractive. Graphic shirts may not be.
12. Kiss them on the neck whenever you want. You will notice all the girls look at you later. The girl will just grind you differently. Don't let her get too horny if her friends are still in front of you.
13. If a guy just goes for her back, it is the right time for you to go for the front. Just as soon as another guy does it.
14. If she calls me sometimes I just shake my head like no and then pull her later. Insane compliance.
15. Girls with less make up or ugly girls dance with bad guys. Their friends let her dance with guys who are thin, medium sized hair whatever.
16. Sometimes I just cut through the entire crowd and a new ass shows up! Be careful not to look like you are walking round and round.
17. I have manicured nails. They just pull my hands all the way to the front. It makes me clumsy at the back.
18. Don't get drunk
19. Don't breathe too much on her neck.
20. If you are out with a friend then she will dance with you even if you are one of those skinny guys.
21. Interracial girl coding is not as strong as it is among the same race. So if different races are dancing go for them.
22. If they are just standing there then go poke the most beautiful girl with you finger and offer her your hand. She will dance with you.
23. If another girl is into you, that is if you have social proof then the hottest girls will dance with you no matter what you look like.
24. If your pupils dilate they WILL choose you. When I stare blankly not knowing what I am seeing my pupils dilate.
25. If the DJ plays the right songs they will grind insane. Some songs just dont get it.
26. If a girl is dancing alone or is dancing behind a guy then go for her because she won't get girl-coded.
27. If a lot of people are dancing in a line, then join the end. If there is a gap anywhere in the line jump into it. They are all facing the same direction so you won't get girl coded.
28. Colognes are a strict no-no. They will just wave their hands like it is hot in the club.
29. Sometimes a chain around the neck is attractive. This adds more bulk to your upper body. It is an illusion. The chain should preferentially be right around the neck unless it is not your type.
30. If she is pushing her ass out then it means she is ready. You have to be quick because guys are always eager to please them.
31. If the girl is dancing too close to her friend then she doesn't want to dance with guys just yet.
32. If a girl in a group says no then save approaching that group any time later. That group has blown you out. Nobody will dance with you.
33. If you lose contact with the girl then establish contact once again because she might not be interested if your physical contact with her stops.
34.* Pheromones. Girls are attracted to the pheromones that are produced in male sweat glands.
35.* Accessorise. Goggles etc.
36.* Full sleeves inside. Short sleeves outside.
37.* A pink shirt
38.* Color contacts
*Must be field-tested before confirmation

I think the real key could be increasing free testosterone levels.
Last edited by Real on Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Welsh_Dragon » Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:56 pm

Sorry but this is mostly worthless in my opinion. Many of your points only hold true for you (persumably). Others are directly lifted from popular PUA text.

Have you personally field tested all of this except for those marked * ? Several of these statements are flat not true or so obvious as to be banal.
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Postby NobodyUKnow » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:28 pm

I concur Welsh. In the interests of being constructive, I'll offer my opinions, such as they are.

- I like quiet clubs... noisy places are tough to run game, and tough to run comfort.
- Colonge = good. Too much = bad. We all know what Pheromones are and their value... many might not know that anti-perspirant blocks much of these from escaping, while simple deodorant does not.
- Open sets. Open, open open. If you get blown out, immediately stack into the next thing you see. Open a grave if you have to. The point is, you don't give a shit. You brought the party with you, and now it's leaving with you. The best of my nights are always when I open a ton of sets... each one I open made the next one easier, as I was warmer, and had more social proof.
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Postby Westfall » Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:41 pm

If you get blown out, is that DLV that will shut you down for all the girls that see the blow out?

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Postby TheAwakened » Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:08 pm

Westfall wrote:If you get blown out, is that DLV that will shut you down for all the girls that see the blow out?


Only if you make a big deal out of it. I doubt that anyone else is going to hear anything being said in the average club if it's not being said directly to them. And I hate to break it to you, but most girls in a club aren't watching everything you do. ;)
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Postby Westfall » Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:28 pm

TheAwakened wrote:
Westfall wrote:If you get blown out, is that DLV that will shut you down for all the girls that see the blow out?


Only if you make a big deal out of it. I doubt that anyone else is going to hear anything being said in the average club if it's not being said directly to them. And I hate to break it to you, but most girls in a club aren't watching everything you do. ;)

I think everyone in Northpark mall heard me get blown out in Starbucks this weekend. Holy Christ, that was a speculatcular blow out.

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Postby quipster » Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:20 pm

1/4 of this list is rubbish in my opinion. "hair length" ?? Honestly WTF! Dark shirts are attractive?? EVERY GUY HAS A BLACK SHIRT! so your average/ ordinary #15? back to the hair thing again... I am going to quit on those quick three, but maybe you can revise your list or put why you think it should be on the list to help better help us understand why you think that. Keep your opinions coming.

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Postby Real » Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:32 pm

that is one thing i never do. i dont open at night venues
most of my game is on lone wolves. it was easier to find lone wolves in the day

back to the q of whether my post was not right or not.
i knew it was coming but u know what i've done it and u havent
i've gone out every night for 2 years. i know better, no offence

u may not believe that skinny guys may not get ass but it is true, if they are not spiked, if it is not their girlfriend they are not going to get it

yeah u must wear a dark shirt or red and black cuz if u wear a white one it wont work! believe it or not

i am moving to new jersey. the plan to move to dallas didnt materialize...

i know that u guys may not ACCEPT the points in my post but every word is real to me. It is the truth. Amen
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Postby Kain » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:30 pm

8. It is best to go upto a girl who hasn't noticed you in the club yet. Just go grind her.

haha i totally disagree i guess it works for you, think about it . what kind of girl would want a random guy grinding up on her? sluts mostly!.... with AIDS most quality girls wouldnt take that
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Postby Real » Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:40 pm

Testosterone leads to the development of the earlobe, neck, wrists, middle finger, ahem penis

Testosterone also leads to the production of tears in the eyes. Girls always look at the eyes. May be even the earlobes. So growing long hair can cover the earlobes or a short military cut can make the ears seem bigger. That is why wearing a chain around the neck is helpful. A wrist band also may be. I havent found a wrist band to fit my size. The doggy bowl look too is a moist look in their eyes.

I remember Style's leaked bootleg videos and his other youtube videos where he shows his approach with his chest protruding and shoulders back. He also approaches the group with high energy. I am going to incorporate these two in grinding.
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