5 Things to NEVER talk about with women...

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5 Things to NEVER talk about with women...

Postby Mojo » Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:15 am

5 Things to NEVER talk about with women...
"What subjects are interesting?"

"What do I say after I introduce myself?"

Yadda yadda yadda...

The truth is, it doesn't matter WHAT you talk to her about, as long as you use the right tone and posture.

But the reality is that when you're just getting the hang of it, you want to say the right things to get her interested. You can take more risks later on, but for now you want to use the best topics.

Here's what I can tell you, though...

There are subjects you really need to avoid talking to women about.

It's really pretty common sense, but sometimes when a guy's mouth gets going, he starts to forget that he's talking to a woman, and he starts to go into forbidden territory with his conversation.

Let's cover a few of the things to avoid in your conversation, whether it's a first meeting, first date, or first pillow talk:

1) Do not talk about Star Trek, Star Wars, comic books, computer games, or anything geeky or sci-fi.

Yes, I know they're pretty cool. (Except Episode 1, great eye-candy, but just dumb.) Yes, there's all sorts of hidden meaning, and you really think that Captain Kirk could kick Han Solo's ass all over the quadrant.

But she will think you're the dorkiest dork to ever live on planet Dork if you start talking about this stuff.

Trust me. Unless SHE brings it up, leave spaceships, Death Stars, or any geeky entertainment out of the conversation. Save that for your first anniversary, or your first Trek convention together.

(And I'm not dissing my friends that like this stuff, because I do, too. You just don't have to broadcast it right now...)

2) Do not talk about murder, famine, war, plague, tsunamis, or death in any way, shape, manner or form.

I don't care if you're dating Goth Girl from Hell - leave death and violence OUT of the conversation. I can think of no topic better suited to closing the doors of her bedroom than this.

All it will do is raise the Ugly emotions in her, and unless you manage this extremely well, you're doomed.

And if this kind of talk is something that turns her on ... RUN FOREST, RUN!

3) Do not talk about previous boyfriends or relationships of HERS.

Don't do it. No matter what, you'll stir up every emotion that's made her unhappy for the last ten years by going there.

I made this mistake once after getting thoroughly nekkid with a cute blonde and her ex decided to call and interrupt us. My first impulse was to "talk it out" with her.

"What's going on? What do you feel for him?"

What a bonehead. I should have just kept going and ignored his energy.

Now, previous relationships of YOURS are a different story, especially if you show that you are mature about it and have good things to say about her. But the second you turn into Bitter Boy, you're going to turn her off faster than Oprah watching a Krispy Kremes commercial.

Show only your positive side.

4) Do not talk about politics or religion.

Just don't do it. Boring. Possibly fatal to any chance of a relationship when you get into a heated discussion over something silly, like Global Warming.

If she tries to bait you into a discussion of your political views, deflect it gently with a courteous, "C'mon, you're not trying to bore be this early in the relationship, are you? At least wait until you've bought me a nice wedding ring."

Some women really enjoy getting into contentious discussions to A) test you, B) get the thrill of the drama, C) eliminate you as fast as they can just because they're really bitchy.

Don't fall for it.

5) Do not talk about possessions (your car, your great new plasma TV, whatever), or status (your powerful position, your black belt in Whoo-flung Dung).

Women don't want to be assaulted with your accomplishments. They want to find out about it by discovery. This is ten times more interesting for them because they get to play detective.

When YOU bring up something about you it just comes across as boasting and insecurity.

When SHE brings it up, you always seem more attractive to her.
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opposite thoughts

Postby SnazzyMcBugbearRidiculous » Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:38 am

Yo, I forget who posted this (MOJO?),

But actually I totally disagree with these 5 things to never talk about with a woman.

I actually consistently talk about 4 of the 5 things (I dont talk about my money, because I get freaked out easily about people knowing anything about that - see a good example of showing value by denying value).

Star Wars, Star Trek, Games, MMOGs, Perplex City, Warhammer, Shadowrun, Comics, shit I play every game ever invented, I am simply addicted to games. So I talk about this but from the perspective that I need my own time or that I think I must be a child at heart or that I would make a great dad (because I love playing games), or that life is supposed to be fun. Anything - but I never shy away from this topic. She doesnt have to have interest in games to respect your interest in them - she may like knitting scarves that doesnt mean you dont like her - AND she can knit while you play games during quiet times together.

politics, war, etc. - I also always talk about this, because I am passionate about it and can offer both sides of any political topic. women dig passion in any form and they dig self deprecating humor (which leads them to question who you are). the open question mark is a good thing. confusion is good. lucidity is only good at closing time. i have picked up a girl who hated President Bush while I discussed his positive attributes and likened him to Churchill (while I drew an analogy between Kerry and Chamberlain). I would only avoid politics if you dont know that New Zealand is next door to Australia.

death, war, famine, all that stuff - i definitely do talk about regularly BECAUSE i want to convey to them that i recognise my own mortality and that makes me more human to them - not just some guy in a bar hitting on them. if the conversation turns to war or death embrace it and share insights about your own life. obviously dont express joy at death - express humility and compassion.

past relationships. DO TALK ABOUT THIS. but only from the perspective that you are sharing and caring. you want to know about her past relationships as an intro into YOUR PAST RELATIONSHIPS. the idea is to show them that both of you have loved and moved on and that this is what life is about.

The great saying, "men want to be a woman's first love, while women want to be the man's last love." goes a long way in this regard. if you dont care that she has loved in the past, you can show her how to love you.

ANYWAY, just rambling here. Time to post.

The art of life is represented in conversation. Let that conversation represent your goals.
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Nerd Qualifier

Postby Tribulus1000 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:28 am

"What kind of TV programs do you watch?"

"My favorite TV program of all time is Star Trek. OMG Captain Kirk is my idol.
Now THAT GUY was cool. Imagine being able to travel all over the galaxy and beam down on alien planets and fight alien lizard monsters With Judo Chops like this...."(show the Kirk Move)" And the best thing about being the Captain is that you get laid like a rockstar! By alien babes No less.

What's your favorite episode?

Gosh I'd have to say "Trouble with Tribbles" Those things were so cute and furry...." (Brush her cheek.)"....like you, but don't get any ideas....cause I've got to leave this planet very soon so Live Long and Prosper little one."
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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Postby Rockstär » Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:09 am

5) Do not talk about possessions (your car, your great new plasma TV, whatever), or status (your powerful position, your black belt in Whoo-flung Dung).

Women don't want to be assaulted with your accomplishments. They want to find out about it by discovery. This is ten times more interesting for them because they get to play detective.

When YOU bring up something about you it just comes across as boasting and insecurity.

When SHE brings it up, you always seem more attractive to her.
100% true, tho I say as much as they like playing detective, i think it works the best when its implied to her by u taking her back to your house and bein like "lets watch the OC" and just sitting down, without mention infront of the 60'' plasma TV, or being like "lets go to Live Free or Die Hard", driving and her in the nice Mercedes. You can't blatantly brag or they instantly know ur tryin to pick them up, because nobody brags about their achievements unless they are insecure or are trying to impress someone.
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Postby NobodyUKnow » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:51 pm

While I tend to agree with Mojo about avoiding those subjects, I have to point out the exception: passion. You can talk about bread rising if you can do it passionately. The followon threads are good examples of that.

As for talking about possessions, Sinn taught me a good way to do this: tell a story, but leave out the details; make them ambiguous... they will then play dectective...

U: Some strange car story... "people kept staring at my car"
HB: "what kind of car was that??? oo...
U: you mean my hoopty Ferrari?"

U: Some strange story... "...and she just kept staring at my watch"
HB: "Why we she staring at your watch???"
U: "Idunno... Maybe she wanted to ask the time, or maybe she'd never seen a Rolex"
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Postby Guest » Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:18 pm

So...I can just forget about describing my awesome 3000 point army? :( /Warhammer 40K

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