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Postby TheBombDotCom » Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:15 pm

Howdy Y'all lmao.

So its time I start hanging out with higher value men. Most of my success has been dolo, as its hard to game with friends who easily fall back to AFC or White Knight syndromes :roll: . I believe, however, my success has been limited and I've been at plateau since I don't have equals or superiors revealing hidden sticking points and all that. Not docking dolo game at all, just feeling lopsided after so long.

Who wants to kick it and possibly get into some chicks? :mrgreen: I'm in the Plano area, possibly Dallas if I decide to move for my new job. But I'm mobile.

Ps Anyone got a Honda GROM <33333 !!!???? 8) 8)

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:49 am

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