*Need Advise* Follow-up problem

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*Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby Luckyman » Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:24 pm

Hello all!
I am new and would like to seek some legit advice from experienced players.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your experience/ knowledge.
I don't have too much problem approaching women and pull something out of butt.
I will be honest. Sometimes it goes great and sometimes it doesn't. There are few other factors that decides this. But anyways... the problem is...

After meeting, conversing, dancing from the bar/club/scene/whatever, I text them.
50% of the times, no response... the other 50% of the times, they text here and there but doesn't seem so interested even if I try to keep the convo funny and light. We exchange few texts and no response... or doesn't answer my call.

What do you think my problem is as far as not being able to get them to keep the convo over the phone and getting the 1st date? If they gave me 1 chance, I feel like I can lock it in... but I can't even procure 1 chance... :(
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Re: *Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby Mojo » Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:01 am

Maybe a good idea to use the search function and search for "text" or "texting" in the Online Game forum. A few threads that may help are:

I hope this helps!

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Re: *Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby Luckyman » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:26 am

Thank you Mojo!
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Re: *Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby IsiMan84 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:40 am

This cat has one post and it's a link to something on Amazon. Yea, totally clicking that.
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Re: *Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby Mojo » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:37 pm

IsiMan84 wrote:This cat has one post and it's a link to something on Amazon. Yea, totally clicking that.

That account has been deleted along with blocking his IP address. Thank you for the notice!
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Re: *Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby crow » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:13 am

There's an intuitive path that you gotta be wary of. It's this.

Most guys say, "once I'm talking to a girl, I'm fine," not realizing that the experience of "being fine" is isolated to instances where the girl was motivated to help you--she liked you , or she was a friend's friend. Once guys get approaching down, they say, "I can't keep the conversation going." Then it's, "I can't get a number." Then it's something like the problem here, "I can get a number, but no follow -through."

You can spend years chasing the next thing on the list. Soon it'll be, "I can get her to agree to a date, but she flakes." After that, you'll be asking why you can't get a second date. And it goes on from there.

The better approach is to focus on your identity, particularly your sexual and seductive identity, and how you can express it better. Ask yourself, "how do I lead myself to a place where I'm more me and less bullshit?" How do I stop trying to persuade, and start being more awesome? As a rule, the better able you are to express your passions, life story, and sensual experience, the less chasing you'll have to do.

My advice is: start by making your living space awesome. If you want tips on how, feel free to ask, and I'll post some ideas in a new thread. But if you're not excited about how she'll react to your room, don't even bother going out, you know?
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Re: *Need Advise* Follow-up problem

Postby crow » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:15 am

Get busy living, or get busy crying yourself to sleep at night because no one has any incentive to spend time with you ;)
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