Busting through the Bitch Shield

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Busting through the Bitch Shield

Postby Bull Run » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:34 pm

So when I have encountered bitch shield in the past, there have only ever been two things (usually used in tandem with each other) that have worked for me to break through.

1) Social Proof. Having the girl see you having fun and having a good time with other women, especially if the other women are her friends. and 2) Ignore Her, because if the bitch shield is the girl's way of nexting you, ignoring her is the closest you can come to nexting her back.

The last girl I slept with says she didn't like me the first time we met, and never in a million years would have thought she'd end up sleeping with me. When we were first "introduced," she even said something like "I don't want to meet him" to her friend, loud enough for me to hear. I basically turned her off after that, and continued to work the room as usual. Somehow, she caved.

These are the only two tactics that have ever worked for me. But they are not full-proof in the sense that the girl still seems to hold most of the cards. What are some better methods?
Bull Run

Postby Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:51 am

Seems like what you are doing is working well enough for you.One thing that is happening when you do what you do (have fun with her friends/ignore her/work the room) is that you start to relax and feel good and after a while she becomes very receptive to you just due to the fact that you take your time to stimulate her with positive eotions.Remmember emotions are contagious,especially when it comes to women. So basically what you are doing is not letting her weird/negative state affect you,you affect her physcial body by stimulating her with fun/sexual emotions. Good post Fuzz!

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