bring the PAIN...

Anything goes

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:43 am

[QUOTE=grimm1111;41272]The problem for Dallas is that dirk nowitzki is not going to be enough. Put it this way...Bosh is basically the same player as dirk nowitzki, and wade and lebron are unquestionably better.[/QUOTE]

This has got to be one of the most erroneous statements ever. Dirk is unquestionably one of the elite players in the NBA. Bosh is a second tier superstar. And, I don't say this as a Mavs fan, because I'm not one. In truth, I could give two shits about the Mavs. I'm just being objective here. No way you build a team around Bosh, no way. But, you can build one around Dirk, as evidenced by the success of the Mavs over the last decade. Keep in mind, success that has been achieved against some of the best teams assembled (Lakers with Shaq, Kobe...Spurs with Duncan and company...etc.).

As far as enjoying the moment, well it's funny but in sports where they play a series in the playoffs there's always a point that the entire series hinges on. Momentum is a real thing.

2004 Yankees: Up 3-0 to the Boston Red Sox the score sitting at 4-3 Yanks with Mariano Riveria (arguably the best closer at the time) on the mound. The Bo Sox manage to tie the game in the bottom of the ninth to force extra innings, ultimately winning it in the bottom of the 12th from an Ortiz two run shot. The Bo Sox went on to win the next three against the Yanks and steam roll into the World Series against a far superior Cardinals team that won 105 games that year. The Cards looked confused, the Bo Sox rode the momentum wave for a 4 game sweep and arguably one of the most dominanting performances in a World Series.

2006 Heat: Down 2-0 to the Mavs and looking completely pathetic in the first two games, the Heat came back from 13 points down to take game 3. Ultimately, the Heat would win 4 in a row and make Dallas look completely lost the entire time.

1995 NBA Finals: Rockets vs. Magic. Game 1 the Magic jump out to a 20 point lead only to see it be squandered as Nick Anderson (a sharp shooter at the time) miss 4 consecutive free throws and Kenny Smith nail a 3 pointer at the buzzer to force overtime. The Rockets would ultimately win in OT and then sweep the Magic. Keep in mind The Magice were the East's hottest team while the Rockets came into the playoffs as a number 6 seed, marking the first time a number 6 one the championship. The series prompted the famous quote: "Never underestimate the heart of champion."

I could go on and on. The question remains, is this 15 point comeback with 7 minutes left in the game, is the 22-5 run the Mavs went on to close out the game, the turning point in this series? Will we look back and understand that it defined the series? Well, that's why they play the games.

Then again, history is littered with comebacks that never resulted in winning the series. But, it's incredibly arrogant to simply think that the Mavs are done. The Heat may have 2 of the best players in the NBA on their team, but keep in mind, it's a team sport. As such, there are other dynamics at play. As a matter of fact, I would contend that the Heat bench played an exceptional game in game 1. They outplayed the Mavs bench and that's why they won the game. James, Wade, and Bosh are going to get their points but what the bench does is what truly matters to the success of the Heat...and the Mavs for that matter.

The Mavs may not be as talented as the Heat, I'm not even arguing that they're nearly as talented as the Heat. But, they're more mature, more experienced, and have been tested time and time again in these playoffs and that counts for a whole lot more than people are willing to believe. The best looking PUA is almost no match for an average, cagey veteran at Game. Same dynamics apply.

Remember, the Mavs have been doing this sort of thing the entire playoffs. Crushing the Lakers, OT comebacks against Portland and OKC. Admittedly, the Mavs looked confused for much of the game and especially the second part of game 1. But, that went away after the dynamic douchebag duo of Wade and James started dancing in front of the Mavs' bench once the lead was pushed to 15 points. The Mavs keep doing things they aren't supposed to be doing and, that should be something that strikes fear in the hearts of Miami fans.

PS, I do believe that Dirk isolated Bosh and beat him to the bucket for the game winning finger roll...with his left hand...with a torn tendon in his middle finger. But, hey, you're right man. Dirk isn't any better than Bosh...just got lucky I suppose.

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:58 pm

Couple things...

#1 The Mavs played a heck of a game last night. Any time the score is in the 50's at halftime or near 100 at the end of the game, I'd say advantage Dallas. Miami needs to be keeping these scores lower, or they will lose the series, period.

#2 D Wade had a hell of a night.

#3 Dirk killed us and he was having a mediocre night. I don't expect him to stay mediocre, so Dallas will only play better as the series goes on.

#4 Bosh had a piss poor night. Yes he got burned by Dirk, which was the icing on the cake for the kind of night Bosh had.

#5 James had a mediocre night. When James shows up you'll see a different Heat team.

#6 If D Wade didn't have the kind of night he had, Dallas would have blown us out last night.

I don't think this was a "momentum turner" at all. I think this: Lebron James is this team's leader, and he will show up on Sunday. So two things will happen Sunday that will lead to a Heat victory...

#1 James will dominate and have a great game

#2 Defense will show up and keep the score lower like the first game.

That said, the Mavs ability to impose their style of play on Miami impressed me.

The right team won last night.

Postby Guest » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:31 am

Both games were really close pretty much the whole time
neither team was considerably better than the other
Sure, Miami had all of those flashy dunks, but it didn't mean anything in the end

Postby Guest » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:51 pm

Gentlemen, tonight I think we all learned a valuable lesson about basketball.

You see, game 2 could easily have been the "momentum turner" like Bull Run had suggested. Against a lesser team, it may well have ended up that way.

But what you all witnessed tonight was the HEART OF A CHAMPION.

D Wade was not going to let his team lose tonight. Championship players step up when championships are on the line.

And that's what separates the Heat from OKC, and that's what's going to be the difference in this series. Champions proving why they are champions.

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:56 am

The Heat have one champion on their team: D-Wade. He, and he alone, has single handedly dragged his team kicking and screaming to the finish.

The Mavs come down from 15 and win it in game 2. They come down from 13 and lose by 2 in game 3. All of the comebacks happened in the final minutes of the 4th quarter. What is the problem here?

I'm not putting the Mavs down, not at all. But, Dirk is by far the best player on their team, by far. Bosh isn't as good as Dirk but he's within striking distance. If Dirk is a 10, Bosh is an 8. After Dirk, there isn't one player, at this point in their career (because I think Kidd is his prime was better than Bosh), that's as good as Bosh. And, Bosh is only the Heat's third best player.

James and Wade are clearly better than Dirk, clearly. So, how does a team that has two of the top five players in the world plus another player that's better than all but one of the Mavs' players on their team not continually blow out these old stodgers? Seriously. Now, I'm not taking anything away from the Mavs. They play great defense and can drain the three so that makes them dangerous and allows them to erase other team's leads.

The fact is that the Heat should have won games 2 and 3 by at least a 15 point margin, probably more like a 20 point margin. The only thing I can think is that the Heat don't really want to win. I think they have no heart. None. Sure, Wade does, and down the stretch he's got enough talent and heart to pull his team across the finish line. But, the Heat keep falling asleep. It bit them in the ass once and almost did again last night.

Revelle in the victory all you want Grimm, but I'd be highly concerned that the Heat don't really care to win all that much. I think the Mavs do. I think the Mavs are the ones here with the real heart, maybe not that of a champion but certainly more heart. They want it, the Heat simply do not.

Maybe the last two games will be awake up call to the Heat and they'll finally combine their talent with a little bit of heart. Or, maybe they do what they've done time and time again over the season. They coast on their talent only to blow the game in the final minutes.

This is why I've never been convinced that the Heat will actually win this series. Sure they're by far one of the most talented teams ever assembled. That cannot be denied. But, they also look cocky, over confident, and indifferent about what it takes to actually win. James is more concerned with is image and his place as an icon than he is about being a champion. Bosh is an also ran that thinks that since he's one of the big three that puts him in the same class as Wade and James.

Wade is the only one with heart man. And, he's the smart one. He's using the talent of James and Bosh to keep the games close, or help him build a lead, only to take the reigns late in the game to close it out. He's the real winner here. I respect that fucker, truly I do. The other two on the other hand...well, let's just say I don't think very highly of them AT THIS POINT IN THEIR CAREERS.

Historically, the team that wins game 3 wins the series. Those are just the odds. Winning 3 out of the next 4 games will be a challenge, almost an impossible one. But, given the mental lapses and lack of hunger from the Heat and the scrappiness and mental toughness of the Mavs I don't think it to be outside the realm of possibility that the Mavs pull off the impossible.

Most likely, the Heat take it. And they'll gloat and be poor winners about it. But, hey, they're the villians. They've earned a trashy celebration I suppose...

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:53 am

The Miracle Mavs pull it off again...

It's getting really, really hard to not believe that something very, very special is happening right before our eyes. Will David slay Goliath? This magical run by the Mavs has got to be one of the greatest stories of grit, heart, and hunger in professional sports.

They may not be champions, but fuck do they have some heart man.

Win or lose, Dirk is crafting his legacy right before our eyes. Too bad it took so long for him to show the world exactly what a special player that guy is.

What a great fucking series. The Heat look pathetic out there. They're not living up to their talent. The Mavs look like an also ran team that just wants to fucking win and to do so at all costs. In my eyes, the Mavs have already 'won' this series. Sure, they may not bring home the trophy but at least they don't have to hang their heads based on their performance. If Miami wins this series, which I still believe they will, and they continue to do so in this fashion (i.e. eeking along, bumbling, fumbling, and coasting) then, although they are the 'champions,' they should be ashamed of themselves. They'll be champion in name only. D-Wade is leaving it all on the court. The rest of them are just watching him do so.

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:02 pm

I didn't even watch the game so I can't comment... I spent the whole second half talking about investment ideas with Playercool.

It doesn't really matter who wins or loses. It's the ride that counts.

Hell of a series. Every game has come down to the last shot, now that's a great product.

Moses brought down basketball from the mountain and gave it to the world so that you can be social and drink beer, eat junk food, and hang out with your buddies.

The Heat and Mavs have made this an entertaining series no doubt.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:46 pm

Damn.... not looking too good for the Heat right now....

Postby Guest » Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:56 pm

[QUOTE=grimm1111;41264]Congratulations to the Dallas Mavs for making the NBA Finals. Too bad, what with me being from Miami and all, I've got to inform and educate you that my Miami Heat will now have to crush your sorry team and make you cry like little girls.

And Bull Run is about to owe me a steak dinner.


[QUOTE=grimm1111;41266]Hey you're not off to a great start there, Gunslinger.

1-0 Miami.

It looks like the "big 3" are too much for the Mavs.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=grimm1111;41272]The problem for Dallas is that dirk nowitzki is not going to be enough. Put it this way...Bosh is basically the same player as dirk nowitzki, and wade and lebron are unquestionably better.

The reason all these Dallas fans thought they were gonna win is because they play in the West where nobody plays defense.

[B]No way can Dallas handle Miami's shutdown defense.[/B][/QUOTE]

That said, James is easily the best player in basketball today. He can guard anybody on the court, from a point guard to a 7 foot center. And he's not a ball hog like Bryant.

HAHAHA!!!! The guy that got 9 points in the game the other night is the best player today? I think not.

Looks like you were a bit too cocky for your own teams good grimm. Who won the 2011 NBA championship? It wasn't Lebrick, that's for sure. I stand by my original statement that Lebron is overrated and is nothing more than an over hyped player

[B][B]This just in: Apple is coming out with a limited edition Lebron James/Chris Bosh IPhone. Unfortunately, it will only vibrate because it doesn't HAVE A RING![/B]

Oh, and I just stickied this thread ;)

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:27 pm

Wow I can't believe they fell to the Mavs, that kinda sucks.

Oh well. Basketball isn't my favorite sport anyway... my favorite by far college football, so time for the Miami Hurricanes to get back to consistently whooping everyone's ass again.



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