
Anything goes


Postby Guest » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:03 pm

If you don't currently have 6 months of food stocked up, get it as soon as possible.

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:01 pm

Is that so we can be lazy and not go to the store for 6 months?

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:03 pm


Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:22 pm

Having unregistered guns will be more important than the food. Get those first, without them having the food is worthless because you'll lose it...

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:39 pm

[QUOTE=Bull Run;40267]Having unregistered guns will be more important than the food. Get those first, without them having the food is worthless because you'll lose it...[/QUOTE]


Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:49 pm


Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:51 pm

uhh, picture works in "preview" mode and not when actually posted. how gay.

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:03 pm


I hope I'm wrong man, but let me ask you, what happens if I'm not? and what's the harm in being prepared anyway just in case?

Instead of making a new thread.

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:13 pm

Feedlot USA

[I]Look at this photo. These cows are eating corn and soy. Look at the food labels from the products you buy in the grocery store. Do you like your feed?[/I]

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - J.W. Goethe[/I]

I was at the feed store the other day buying chicken feed ([URL=""]non-soy based feed[/URL], of course).
While I was waiting for the store clerk to see if a certain kind of feed was in their warehouse, I was standing around and looking at all of the other products they had on display for animal husbandry.

My eyes fell upon a castrator up on the wall. What do farmers, ranchers and herders use a castrator for? To emasculate the males so as to regulate the breeding of your animals, and to make the males less aggressive and easier to control.

This is especially important when you put a large amount of animals into a feedlot to fatten them up for slaughter. Emasculated males don't fight over access to females. They simply eat and get fat, increasing their profitability for their owners when it's time for harvest.

That's when I realized that our current society is nothing more than the ordinary citizenry being treated as animals confined to a feedlot system to fatten us up for slaughter...all for the lucrative profit of our owners.

Instead of a physical pen keeping the sheeple herded into close proximity with each other so our owners can give us specific feed to fatten us up...

...instead of physically emasculating the men with a castrator to control their behavior...

...our feedlot owners have erected the barriers to this virtual feedlot within our minds.

The feedlot we inhabit is a mental construct. The barriers were erected by our institutionalized education system and our mass media driven culture. The largest section of fencing is "conventional wisdom." That is the strongest means of keeping the herd in strictly controlled confinement.

It keeps the herd eating their fattening, health-destroying feed. It keeps us from naturally procreating offspring in the normal numbers we would if we lived in a natural state in the wild. It keeps us from forming self-contained and self-sufficient units called "families." It's much easier to control one giant, homogeneous herd than it is to control a large amount of loosely affiliated family units.

They are fattening us up to profit off of the problems and dysfunctions that their feed and health programs for the herd invariably cause for each individual.

They want us to [URL=""]eat like grazing ruminants, contrary to nature of the predator species that we really are.[/URL]

They use societal programming like feminism and all of the legal ideas, legislation and enforcement regimes that it entails to castrate manifestations of male virility in society.

To control the herds population growth, you castrate the males.

To control the herds behavior, you control the female behavior and the castrated males will follow suit.

Yes, we are all sheeple, confined in this feedlot we call "Civilization."

The one thing you must learn though, is that being stuck in this feedlot is your own choice. You can ignore the barricades they've erected to confine us. You can step out of it's confines and live life in it's natural state...uncontrolled, un-herded, and free of castration.

But you need to be able to recognize the barricades for what they are, in order to escape it.

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:14 pm


Follow that link above to read about why I suggest a "paleo" diet.

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