A Natural with textbook training

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A Natural with textbook training

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:40 am


I go by Sizzle, I've been into the concept of PU since the PUA TV show was on VH1. I've been practicing the last 3 months almost non-stop about the time my LTR in our relationship got rocky. We're still "dating" right now , but I refuse to let her be my one-itis. Fuck that.

I'm 23, self-employed (in a business that women LOOOVEE!!) since I was 20, college drop out, out going with natural game. I have almost no shame, do whatever it takes.

My sticking points are- Girl Coding and attraction (sometimes). When I am on fire, I am epic.

Over the last 3 months I've noticed my game get better and better. I only do PU outside of FTW (my g/f lives there, so do her friends) so I typically only go to Dallas. Besides, I hate plain jane girls and I love the fancy, bad bitches. C's and Degree's is how I like 'em.

I've been going down to Austin where my fraternity brother and I run game on West 6th st (basically the uptown of 6th st).

As a side note--as a result of PU and self-improvement-- over the last few months, I have been working out more, my wardrobe is impeccable -- I look and feel like I stepped out of a GQ magazine everywhere I go. It's helped a lot for the self confidence.

I am always up for taking wingmen, no matter what your knowlege of game is (not offering to be a mentor, but just looking for like-minded people) However note that I don't go for the easy lay-ups. 7.5 and up always.

PM me , but e-mail is the best way to reach me!

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:08 am

So.... If I bring the steak, will you bring the sizzle?

With reluctance, I'd like to to be the first to welcome you to the board. My early advice is if you really want any help from the guys on here approach them with a little humility. Game is kind of like poker bro. If you have success when you start out in your own mind it's because you are the shit not because you are lucky. But the more you learn, the more you find out how little you actually know. That's cool if you really are a natural, but a lot of us on here are not. At all. We've worked really hard(and are still working) to learn how to have a measure of success and break the lifetime of bad habits and social programing that put us at a disadvantage in the first place.

Trust me bro... this is coming from someone who titled his firs post "future master"

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:56 am

First, I will withhold judgement since I don't know you and have never met you. With that being said, I welcome you to the boards and I hope you enjoy your time here. If you're as good as you say you are, then I really hope that you add value to this board.

Unlike most lairs, our purpose is to help people advance in game (regardless of their level) and get the women the desire--not to brag and have "who's dick is bigger contests" (because we all know I have the smallest penis on this board).

There are several of us that go out frequently, typically uptown. Which I presume, is where you like to go out as well. We all have a common purpose and I'm always open to hanging out with new faces, as long as you're cool and not some douche...

Once again, welcome!

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:01 pm

Sorry if I come off a little, well cocky . But I'm the kind of guy who, if I'm going to do it, I have to do it big.

Not trying to down-play anybody here at all or say I'm better than anybody else. My take on PU is that its like a game of golf, always competing with myself, nobody else.

I am not above reading, learning, etc I want to become a true student of the game. As far as being a natural -- maybe you took that out of context, or maybe I did. Whatever. Here's what I meant: I have no problem opening up to people, but I was just always that "laid back, funny, party guy" -- I knew all the girls, but hardly ever got any action.

I guess you want to see a person at his worst and then help build him up, eh? I can dig that, after all, this is all for self-improvement. I'll give you the MAIN reason I started back into pickup.

My LTR is a good girl, but I'm thinking she's not the one -- or maybe she is and I'm just an asshole. Fuck it, it is what it is. Anyway one day she moved out (we were living together) and I was stuck in an cold, lonely, and EMPTY house. I had nothing. Not even a bed. Then I realized that I did not have the social skills that I had back when I was in college -- I ignored all my friends for my g/f, thinking she was the "one". Well, that came back to bite me in the ass.

Here I was, surrounded by women at my business with me not being able to pursue anything with them cuz they were clients. I had moved away from my college town back to my hometown of HS friends who just wanted to stay complacent (nothing wrong with that, just not for me) So I didn't go out with them. I thought to myself "I have it all. I'm good looking, outgoing, funny, great career, motivated, etc Why aren't women flocking to me???"

Then I realized that I had to start back at square one and get this thing going. That started 3 months ago. I have got blown up by sets, laughed at, almost beat up by this black girl(On Halloween: Who are you supposed to be, Snookie?) I've also had successes. I still have failures and I know I don't know everything. Fact: 10 days ago I went to lower greenville by myself. Dressed to kill, dress shirt, dress vest, pocket square, dark jeans -- I was on point. I walked into Hotel Capri, ordered a drink and a bachellorette party came thru, a HB 8 gave me 5 IOIS almost back to back. I didn't approach. I pussied out -- I wasn't in the right frame. It haunted me all weekend.

So, there -- I do appreciate your concern as far as helping me out not be that "cocky douche bag who thinks he's the shit", I truly do. I would also like to apologize to anybody who does think that. I do not think I am better than anyone.

That being said, I will NOT apologize for having self-confidence, or wanting to go in guns blazing. Some where, tonight, there will be a girl trying on her 7th or 8th shirt, pushing her boobs up just right, getting her makeup just right. Parking in the parking lot and readjusting her makeup, bra, hair, etc , puts on that last bit of perfume because she wants to meet a guy. Why can't that guy be us?


PS -- If I tell a girl my name is Sizzle (I rarely do) I tell her, "They call me Sizzle cuz I make it hot! :P" Sounds corny but chicks love that.

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:01 pm

Welcome Sizzle...

Your confidence is through the roof, and I can appreciate that.

There is no doubt without humility, confidence is only mistaken for cockiness. And cockiness is often frowned upon by women; they do however love a guy who is confident. Remember that in your future endeavors with the opposite sex.

I like how you wrote you have no shame and will do whatever it takes. I like that since it is currently the complete opposite of myself. I hope you stick around, and make it out with us one of these days. I would like to see that principle in action.


Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:18 pm

Sizzle, my post was not to call you out for having such self confidence. No apology needed. Actually, I applaud you for having that much confidence in yourself. I myself, should have more self confidence.

However, as you know, lairs often have members who are all talk and no action--they talk like their game is the shit, yet they can't even pull a 5. I hope you are not one of those guys. Because shit, I can't fuckin stand them.

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:56 pm

I had the exact same mentality my first few months that you do.

I had the most success my first few months in the Game because I was excited, eager, driven, and felt I knew things no one else did giving me more confidence than one man should ever have.

But, there's a price for everything. In my case, the price I paid was, unknowingly at the time, burning bridges with a core group of friends that I had had since I was a child. And, with friends that I had not known as long but still had deep friendships with.

Game brings out the best in us with women and romance. But, it isn't always so appealling to others that don't understand our plight. My confidence swelled to the point that my 'old, great friends' began to believe that I felt I was too good to hang out with them. New found confidence can be highly unbecoming to those that knew us when.

Generally, noobs that taste success right away end up going down one of two roads: 1) they make Pick-Up their life and everything else starts to fall apart OR 2) they back off Game a bit, sacrificing some of their skill, and keeping a balance in their Life. The latter is the easier of the two roads to go down. Remember, it's harder to get a career back on track, get your finances back in order, get your friendships back, and get your body healthy than it is to successfully pull some chick at a bar.

Getting truly good comes at a cost. Keep that in mind and ask yourself how much are you willing to pay to pull those silly, little girls.

Otherwise, welcome and I hope to see you out.

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:19 pm


At first, I was like "Ahhh fuck, I fucked it up, everybody think's I'm a douche!" I was getting my flame gear on but man you guys are pretty mother-fucking cool.

I owe all you bastards a drink when I see you guys out.

I'd def be down to go out and sarge with you guys, either collectively or in a group. I try to keep my groups low, but then again I only have 2 friends who PU. Never been in a big group of people who knew what they were doing.

Send me a PM with your contact info if you're interested in meeting up. Or if you just want to collect on your free drink :P

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:07 pm

[QUOTE=Sizzle;38532]But I'm the kind of guy who, if I'm going to do it, I have to do it big.[/QUOTE]

I already like this guy.

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:34 pm

Wow Sizzzzle.......where do I sign up for lessons? You're my hero.

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