I don't understand the cult like following that this franchise has acquired. Everywhere I go, all I hear about is the new In-N-out in frisco and in allen. It's all over facebook, the news, and even the radio.
Am I missing something here? I'll admit, I haven't had one before. But, the hysteria surrounding it is absurd. People are acting like they won the lottery.
Sure, the burger may taste good, but I'm sure I have had a similar burger from a fast food joint at some point, whether it be a whataburger or a freddys. And I guarantee that it won't taste as good as if I went to the store and bought some high quality meat and made a burger myself, not to mention I actually would know what the hell is in it.
Check out this link, it has a video of a girl crying over eating an In-N-Out burger. - [URL]http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/cityofate/2011/05/in-n-out_burger_is_so_good_you.php[/URL]
I'm willing to bet that In-N-Out are simply marketing geniuses that have over hyped their product so much that people start thinking it is the holy grail.
Of course, I will have to try it myself at some point before I can fully comment on it, but I can't help but think how absurd this whole thing has gotten.