A few changes, please read, please comment

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A few changes, please read, please comment

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:38 am

Hey guys, I'm looking to make a few changes to make things a little better. Here is what I am thinking:

0. I moved the Comments & Suggestions forum to the lounge. Non-lounge members are "internet nobodies" as far as I'm concerned and deserve no voice in how things are run here.

1. I would like it if more people used the lounge general discussion instead of the "semi-public" general discussion. Even though the majority of posters are lounge members, a lot more discussion goes on in the semi-public area. I believe the reason people are not using the lounge general discussion is that people generally don't know who exactly is in the lounge and who is not. I'd like to post a sticky thread so lounge members can see who the other lounge members are.

2. I would like to rename the semi-public general discussion "Newbie Discussion" to further encourage lounge members to post within the lounge.

3. I would like to do away with the semi-public field reports section by merging it with the lounge field reports and making it lounge-only

4. A lot of the flame wars happen in off-topic, and I would like to move it to the lounge also, to perhaps reduce it. If "internet nobodies" want to discuss off-topic things, they should find another venue.

5. I would like to create a FAQ forum within the "Library" which would be public-readable, but moderated. Users who ask questions that are addressed in the FAQ will be made fun of. :)

Please let me know what you think of these ideas, and whether you like or dislike some or all of them. Suggest alternative ideas if you have them.

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:48 am

I think you are making it too restrictive to new people. There needs to be something out there for them to read to spark interest before they decide to jump through your hoops to be a lounge member.

How would a different location for the "off topic" reduce the flame wars? Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't those involved in the last few flame wars all lounge members? I believe they were and I don't see how relocating it to the lounge could prevent that. I really wouldn't worry about it.


Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:29 am

I think you are making it too restrictive to new people. There needs to be something out there for them to read to spark interest before they decide to jump through your hoops to be a lounge member.

How would a different location for the "off topic" reduce the flame wars? Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't those involved in the last few flame wars all lounge members? I believe they were and I don't see how relocating it to the lounge could prevent that. I really wouldn't worry about it.


I totally disagree Howie. First, keep in mind that this is OUR community as such we can decide how others are admitted. There are 1,426 members on the boards. How many are active? Very few. Of those that are active, I would say that virtually 100% of us would have absolutely positively jumped through a small hoop to gain access to the Lounge. What is the small hoop? Actually showing up to a fucking meeting, getting to know someone in person. Why is that too restrictive?

The fact is that it only takes one or two 'bad apples' to push this community into the muck. Also, whenever a newbie posts a stupid question like: "do looks matter," which has been discussed ad nausem in the past, it causes our boards to collectively regress because we have to rewind and address an issue that holds no relevance any longer.

Do some restrictions like this create an air of elitism? Sure, a little bit. But, compared to the noobs, we are a little bit 'elite' if only because we've done so much work to get to where we are now. As such, there should be some type of social structure in place. We are not all equal here you know.

Having an FAQ section also keeps a lot of our content public. So, it's not restrictive in that sense because that's available to everyone. Vector, I'd even take that section a bit further, I'd create a manual of frequently discussed topics that are all original content to the Dallas Lair. It will give noobs an idea of what we're all about, it will prevent repetitive questions, and it will give noobs a little bit of a jump start WHILE still making it available to the public. In other words, reading our thoughts requires very little investment on their part...asking questions and picking our brains requires more investment on their part (i.e. they have to earn access to the Lounge, which requires that they meet us in real life).

Having some structure in place like this is beneficial to the noobs because it gives them the sense that they are progressing. And, we all know how important small victories like that can be in your development early on.

This also cuts down on lurkers that essentially read and steal our thoughts to use for their own. Sure, I understand this is a public forum, BUT there has to be some give and take. Lurkers just take. They haven't earned the privileged, they shouldn't be here. Fuckers.

Finally, there is this notion in the community that the 'weaker' guys won't do what's necessary to become 'one of us.' To come out with us or what not. Well, to that argument I say good. If you're such a pussy as to not WANT to be embraced by guys that are on the same journey as you then we don't want you here. These people have a ton more problems than trying to pick up girls, problems that we probably cannot help them with...an example, Sleek.

Not trying to come down on him, again, but just saying that from the beginning his issues were not based in pickup (Howie, you've admitted this as well). He's the perfect example of the community trying to help someone that did not or could not be helped by our prescriptions. We wasted a lot of time responding to his posts and trying to get things through his head. Steps like Vector outlined would greatly reduce the chances that we get another Sleek-esque individual polluting our community.

I think this is a great beginning to taking our community to the next level. I know that we've all had side discussions recently on how to go from a better forum, which this will accomplish, to a better IRL community with more active support from more experienced guys. Better, more effective meet ups (they've become sausage fests, always have been). And more accountability, for all of us, to continue to grow and improve.

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:37 am

The barrier of entry for our lair is quite low. Look into the austin society, or TOP lair out of the Orlando area. Much tougher. There has to be a balance somewhewhere. We often assign a value to a thing, based on how hard it is to get it, regardless if that assigned value is logical or not.

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:13 am

B(space)R is spot on. Good ideas Vector, I would like to see theses changes take place!

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:27 am

I'd also suggest a Beats Brags and Variance topic where people can freely post all their little braggy bits to keep them from doing it subtly on the main boards.

(Props if you get the 2p2 reference)

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:58 am

I like all of the ideas Vector.

There are numerous national boards. fastseduction, theattractionforums, etc, that people can lurk anonymously all they want. fastseduction has 10+ years of archives back to the very beginning of the overall community. You can read and lurk all you want and there is much more traffic and discussion on these sites.

If someone has found/discovered the local lair, well...it's for local members to discuss topics with each other, and those that they have met IRL. Hence the whole point of local lairs. If you want to have anonymous discussions with people you haven't met, post away on the national boards, and talk with people you've never have or will meet.

I like the context of knowing the person behind the post. It also helps you gauge level of KJing and keep things in perspective knowing who the post is coming from as well. Let's face it, it's not asking much to show up at a single event..


Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:29 pm

Id like to go as far as putting expiration on lounge membership. showing your face every few months won't kill you. if you can't see us face to face ever so often, then why should I even acknowledge your opinion on matters?

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:57 pm

[quote1236707806=Smirks]Id like to go as far as putting expiration on lounge membership. showing your face every few months won't kill you. if you can't see us face to face ever so often, then why should I even acknowledge your opinion on matters?[/quote1236707806]

Agreed. Good idea.

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:50 pm

Do it.

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