Anyone here study MMA?

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Anyone here study MMA?

Postby Guest » Tue May 13, 2008 2:45 pm

I'm looking to take it up again in the States ideally in the Fortworth area.

Anyone here study it?

Postby Guest » Tue May 13, 2008 6:26 pm

I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in a gym where they do MMA.
You have to be at least a blue belt to participate in the MMA segment but I think that is only for people with no previous training so if you did MMA before you might be able to do it there.

The name of the instructor is Travis Lutter and you can find directions in his website [link][/link]
As far as jiu-jitsu goes, that is the best place to train here in Ft Worth. Travis used to be in the UFC but recently got released because of 2 consecutive losses. He was also in the tv show "ultimate fighter 3" which he won. I know I might sound like I work for him or something but I just really think he is the best around this area. I've been going to that gym on and off for 3 yrs. If you drop in he'll let you do a free class.

If you were in Dallas I would say the best place to do jiu-jitsu is with Carlos Machado. He is Gracie's cousin and his family is one of the jiu-jitsu powerhouses. That's where Travis got his black belt from. I don't know if Carlos trains MMA though.


Postby Guest » Tue May 13, 2008 11:56 pm

There's a Place in Arlington called "The Gym" and they teach Muay Thai

Postby Guest » Wed May 14, 2008 10:46 am

I study MMA here [url][/url] they teach
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Muay Thai. And it is right next to a hospital ^--^

Postby Guest » Fri May 16, 2008 10:35 pm

I do MMA in Oklahoma

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