Starting all over again

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Starting all over again

Postby sarge2win76 » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:51 pm

I was into the game a couple of years ago but due to working a day job and pursuing my passion of doing standup comedy at night, pickup kind of fell by the wayside. I had a string of a couple of girls who abruptly stopped returning my phone calls and it really fucked with my confidence with women big time. Getting blown off once is alright but after a couple of times it really made me kind of crawl back into my shell when it comes to dating. Needless to say it's time to start over from ground zero. The problem is not knowing where to begin. It's literally information overload with the pua stuff that shows up in my inbox promising the latest and greatest. Right now I just want to take my power back when it comes to dating and pu. Everything else in my life is going great. I'm making good money at my day job and I'm pursuing my passion, but my game is non existant and it sucks.
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Re: Starting all over again

Postby Bull Run » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:52 am

Start at the beginning.

If you haven't yet read The Game by Strauss (aka Style) then grab a copy and absorb, absorb, absorb what he wrote in there. He describes tactics and techniques in enough detail for you to be able to understand them and use them. The thing that makes this book better than any other method created to date is that he talks about these tactics using real world experiences. Grouding them in reality allows the reader to better understand how to do them and why they work.

If you have read The Game, then re-read it slooooooowly. Take an entire weekend, hole yourself up in your place and just read it. Absorb it. Take notes. Study it. Learn it all over again.

Once you've done that, stop reading and start sarging.

You literally can learn all you need to learn from The Game. Everything beyond that is just calibrating and fine tuning.
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Re: Starting all over again

Postby Smirks » Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:43 pm

I agree with what B R said 110%. I'm in the same situation, having been out of the game for years and needing to start from scratch. The Game is the only book I'm reading...then I'm just going to go through forums posts from back in my time and try to pickup where I left off.
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Re: Starting all over again

Postby Mojo » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:18 pm

sarge2win76 wrote: The problem is not knowing where to begin. It's literally information overload with the pua stuff that shows up in my inbox promising the latest and greatest.

Yes, "gurus" are coming out of the wood work these days. Many have formed niche areas and/or have their own system though when you come down to it, they are ALL based on the same fundamentals found out long ago. One of the first articles I've read and one of my favorites is The Truth About Women:


Good basics.

You are in an awesome place! 1) You are a comedian. Women love humor in men. Men with a good sense of humor tend to rise to the top of their group which bequeaths status. And 2) you are on stage. You have all the people facing you so for that one night you are king. In any situation where you have people all facing you it up's your status. Think anything from Rock Bands to Bartenders... their status is raised because everyone is facing them. Studies have even shown that when women see a picture of a woman facing a man, that man is more attractive when the picture shows the woman facing forward. You have some powerful tools for attraction...

...Now it's a about keeping them. This is why many say inner game is 99% of it - you simply can't fake being Da' Man. As one guy from the game had confided in me "[insert name of some big PUA mention in The Game] can get any woman he wants but can't keep them". So the road to inner game requires time to re-program how your mind works. Learn a little psychology, NLP - knowing how to re-program your mind is a powerful, powerful tool. Go on a self-improvement quest. A quest to have a kick ass life. Then no woman can resist.

Hope this helps,

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