On the MASS of a photon (yeah you got that right)
__From__: embracetheunknown
__Subject__: On the MASS of a photon (yeah you got that right)
__Date__: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 09:37:11 -0500
1) if there were only 2 electrons in the universe (MASS particles),
would they eventually ORBIT eachtother?
2) do PHOTONS give off gravity fields?
I understand that photons have no mass (though they have momentum).
further, I am also aware that photon's are influenced by gravity.
however, do photons HAVE gravity? an electron possesses its own
gravity well, but does a photon as well?
THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: if a universe only contained 2 photons (and
nothing else), would each photon influence the path of the other? if
they moved away from eachother, would they separate forever
(unbounded) OR ... would they instead, by gravitational attraction,
change direction? Since they can't slow down, would the two
gravitational pull cause a vector change, ultimately causing the two
photons to ORBIT eachtother? is a universe with only 2 photons
ultimately a black hole too, since even 2 photons can only get so far
apart until the gravitational influence of eachother cause the
universe to become bounded (and yes I grant you the influence would be
... TINY is a good word).
Which direction would they go? left or right, in orbiting eachother?
none if there is nothing else to influence the equilibrium. but what
then if there were THREE photons?
Thank you for your anticipated ponderings.