There are several issues that are fascinating to me. Notablly the rate of technological advancement. A person born in 1000 AD experinced very little technological change. So far, I've seen the world change so rapidly that the world I was born in would seem forgien & awkward to me now. What will the world look like in 2015? Will it even be recognizable?
We are getting quite close to developing a genuine AI. How will this impact society? What about the many questions AI brings up?
There are many ethical problems associated with working to create intelligent creatures.
AI rights: if an AI is comparable in intelligence to humans, then should it have comparable moral status?
Would it be wrong to engineer robots that want to perform tasks unpleasant to humans?
Would a technological singularity be a good result or a bad one? If bad, what safeguards can be put in place, and how effective could any such safeguards be?
Could a computer simulate an animal or human brain in a way that the simulation should receive the same animal rights or human rights as the actual creature?
Under what preconditions could such a simulation be allowed to happen at all?