She sent me a friend request.. I figured she was a myspace whore or something so I sent her a semi-rude comment asking "are you a friend whore? " and her bitch shield went up immediately. I kept it up and said I only added her because she looked interesting and she gave me an IOI (qualified herself), so I eventually got her to chat with me on MSN. Yep, I officially took down my first bitch shield. I'm quite proud of myself.
Anyway, the chat was good and bad at the same time. She seemed disinterested most of the time (seemed like she was multi-tasking or something) but I was able to test some of my stories on her and practice forming open-ended questions. You can read it here if you're interested:
(the real link is at the bottom of the page)
I'm definitely seeing an improvement, but I just couldn't seem to take the conversation anywhere. I feel like I don't have enough material to work with; I was struggling near the end because I was running out of things to talk about. I would've invited her somewhere or got her number, but I'm not confident enough in holding a conversation and I'd hate to bomb in person. Haha and it seemed too impossible to convey sexuality; I learned she's become really bitter since her boyfriend (who she lost her virginity to) cheated on her a couple of months ago, but I was able to call her sexy without it being awkward. You guys have any tips on building comfort and sexuality?