critique my online game?

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critique my online game?

Postby Snack » Mon May 24, 2010 12:54 am

She sent me a friend request.. I figured she was a myspace whore or something so I sent her a semi-rude comment asking "are you a friend whore? :)" and her bitch shield went up immediately. I kept it up and said I only added her because she looked interesting and she gave me an IOI (qualified herself), so I eventually got her to chat with me on MSN. Yep, I officially took down my first bitch shield. I'm quite proud of myself.

Anyway, the chat was good and bad at the same time. She seemed disinterested most of the time (seemed like she was multi-tasking or something) but I was able to test some of my stories on her and practice forming open-ended questions. You can read it here if you're interested:
(the real link is at the bottom of the page)

I'm definitely seeing an improvement, but I just couldn't seem to take the conversation anywhere. I feel like I don't have enough material to work with; I was struggling near the end because I was running out of things to talk about. I would've invited her somewhere or got her number, but I'm not confident enough in holding a conversation and I'd hate to bomb in person. Haha and it seemed too impossible to convey sexuality; I learned she's become really bitter since her boyfriend (who she lost her virginity to) cheated on her a couple of months ago, but I was able to call her sexy without it being awkward. You guys have any tips on building comfort and sexuality?
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Re: critique my online game?

Postby idronek » Wed May 26, 2010 2:26 am

well if you'd like to take the conversation sexually i think you can start by building attraction showing high value and then go sexual from there.. (webcam it's a really good way to do this) after that well i'm not a lot into online game but i'd say that you ask her out and then you can proceed from there!!!

i explain how to build attraction and sexual comfort on this post --->

hope it helps !! :)
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Re: critique my online game?

Postby RockStar » Fri May 28, 2010 12:06 am

idronek...did you actually read his convo??? just keeping it real.

anyways snack

so my critique is that you backed down from her time after time. She gave you a shit test and you failed. i.e.

[22:34] Snack: what's up, non-whore?
[22:35] HB: Yeah thats right bitch Shit test
[22:35] Snack: haha do you always have a foul mouth?GOOD!
[22:35] HB: Yup :]Supplication on her part
[22:36] Snack: hmm that's kinda cool i guessbut then you keep going!!!
[22:36] Snack: seems like too many people try to be "safe"and talk yourself out of winning!!
[22:36] HB: Yeah i dont really care..yeah...and you failed the test :(

You did that over and over in the convo. You should have made her qualify to you every time you passed a shit test. and if you don't know what to say...say nothing else change the subject. you keep putting her up as the prize. I know it's a hard mentality to get out of but YOU are the prize and she should be trying to get you.

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Re: critique my online game?

Postby Mojo » Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:03 am

Snack wrote:I'm definitely seeing an improvement, but I just couldn't seem to take the conversation anywhere. I feel like I don't have enough material to work with; I was struggling near the end because I was running out of things to talk about.

Over time you will see which stories work best for you and you will natually recall them when they are needed. Though make sure they are true, entertaining, show value, and apply to you. The canned routines ultimetly don't work as well because 1) it may not be congruent to who you are and 2) a woman's subconcious can tell if you are BS'ing, resuting in her getting a negative feeling.

We had an improv class for the guys a while ago. Maybe it would be a good idea to get something like that going again. To be able to talk on the spot about anything is useful, especially when you find yourself running out of material.

Snack wrote:I would've invited her somewhere or got her number, but I'm not confident enough in holding a conversation and I'd hate to bomb in person. Haha and it seemed too impossible to convey sexuality;

Conveying male sexuality is important. If you think it is impossible, it will be. Watch out for those limiting beliefs! Also, don't believe she is bitter about men because her bf cheated on her. She is online and she wants to get laid! So what you messed up on this one, open another chat box and practice.

Anyway, here is a little thing I use to do online that always worked well; it left the convo on the right note. After a good conversation online and indicating I had to run, I'd typed:

Mojo: It was a pleasure meeting you SomeHotHB
Mojo: *takes you hand and softly kisses it*
SomeHotHB: Awww how sweet *blush*
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