Frames that blast through Approach Anxiety

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Frames that blast through Approach Anxiety

Postby Maver1ck » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:40 am

Frames are nothing but the window through which we look out into the world. they provide us with a context. They are like assumptions that we make and believe in strongly (kind of like beliefs)

Some of the Frames that i have adopted in busting through approach anxiety are

1. This is a safe environment. I am not going to be hurt physically. The worst is that the women will be indifferent or say no. I am not in a warzone, fighting and being shot at(which is what we feel like when we approach)

2. All women, put on makeup for hours, look impeccable and all to meet men like me in the bars. they are open to meet men.

3. It is a man's nature to approach and advance. it is a woman's nature to obey and follow. A woman even though she is interested in a man, doesn't approach. but as a man, I have great power in choosing and approaching women I am interested in .

4. I am the prize and she has to win me over by chasing me.

5. There is nothing personal. No means not yet. It is a feedback on my skill. or that she is not feeling it. So get her in state by making her laugh hard or messing with her and then ask her again! ( this is a biggie!)

6. With each and every approach, I am building confidence with women.

7. Attraction isn't a choice. Trigger it immediately, and not over 6 months

8. All attractive women have a dark side. I just don't know it yet.

9. There are an abundance of women out there. if not this woman, then the next one.

10. All attractive woman are magnetically drawn to me and passionately desire to be ravished by me.

11. There is no way out. plow through and see how far it goes.

12. Take them on an emotional roller coaster (look at david De angelo's stuff - cocky comedy etc.,)

13. Having fun is my only objective. I don't go to pick up chicks (though this is what you want to achieve ultimately. initially and even when you are advanced, having the frame of fun and not picking up chicks is very powerful. women are incredibly intuitive and they can see immediately when a guy is trying too hard to hit on girls, rather than having fun!, which just sparks their attraction!)

What I do, is before going out sarging, I look at some of these frames and keep that frame in mind constantly before approaching.

it has worked for me. see if it does for you and let me know!
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Postby BluesCluesPUA » Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:51 am

Amen, this is perfect.
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Postby Tribulus1000 » Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:04 pm

I really like this and I like how you word those frames/affirmations.
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Postby AFC AdamLondon » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:35 pm

yeah these are really good to keep in mind.

I think it was Tyler that said; The frame is the underlying assumption beneath an interaction.

Be aware of your frame and also the girls, what is she trying to acheive? How does she perceive this frame? How can you shake her out of her frame?

As soon as you give her cause to question her frame she will be more likely to accept yours.

lets give an example.

4. I am the prize and she has to win me over by chasing me.

If she has this frame.. and believes she is the prize, and you also have it, then there is a chance that the situation will go no-where... as both of you act indifferent to each other, and get the other one to qualify yourself.

So now lets break her frame with a simple line.

" you know in my life, esspecially in this area I meet beautiful people all the time, what else do you have going for you?" It not only affirms your position as the prize but hits her frame as well.

Now lets say she's a real bitch with a really high opinion of herself.

"Why should I answer that? who are you to me?"

Now suddenly she is reaffirming her frame on you... and this could get interesting.

So we take a divergence,

"Obviously you don't have to, I wouldn't (Confirming you're the prize) but (This removes the statement of obviously you don't have to and subconsciously lowers her value) I just tend to find that many people have a pretty package and not much else going on in their lives... and you seemed pretty interesting (Qualifying hoop) so I figured there was more to you... and I don't think I'm wrong (Qualfying hoop), so go on tell me something interesting about you, anything you like.

This way we're holding onto our frame, and shaking her reality, finding alternate ways and makig it easier for her to let go of her frame.

Hope that makes sense, it's pretty fun posting on a new forum, esspecially as I don't really know anyone here, and you guys obviously have no idea who I am.

Any questions, feel free to ask!


AFC AdamLondon
AFC AdamLondon
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