by Maver1ck » Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:40 pm
To me, it is not sarging the girls in cars that is important. it is developing the mentality and frame of picking up women always. so it becomes automatic and everywhere you go and every woman you meet is a target. and you are either practicing or going for it with every woman in every situation.
as a newbie, this frame is very essential to the developing my skill, i believe. maybe for accomplished guys it may not be worth it.
also, it looks like you can have a lot of fun doing this!
A technique that could work is using Qualification here-
you look beautiful, but beauty is common, what is it in you that is unique that only your best friends know about you? give me your number so I can find out!
maybe write it on the back of your business card and throw it to her. or use hand signals to convey the above message to her. and ask her to call you right then. so you will have her #!
I am going to try it out and see. please feel free to try it out and let me know if any of you have any success with this.