by Midnight » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:07 pm
'merging groups' and 3 second rule are key, particularly flying solo as i often do as you NEED social proof for hotties.
last saturday i flew solo and had best night ever going out b/c of these things.
within 10 seconds of first bar opened a set of 6-7's, went to next group, same routine, within 2 hours had opened about 5-6 sets. i also talked to guys, bartenders whomever... once you get in mindset sometimes you are on. by the end of the night i knew half the bar...
anyway, i finally approached an HB8 on the patio outside that i was eyeing all night. she was giving me shit test and had full shield employed. i really was struggling in the first few minutes. then, a 7 came by, i grabbed her and introduced her. the 7 kept grabbing my arm and said i should come back in with her - i told her i was about to go back in after i finished a story. anyway, another minute later a group of 6's came by and said, "hey AK". a few minutes later another 7 came by and gave me her number right in front of HB8. once these girls saw i was talking to other women it created jealousy, social proof, whatever, it is strange but it is true.
needless to say, HB8 completely opened up and started initiating kino to me, right after giving me cold shoulder horrible non-verbal vibe. we exchanged numbers and within 10 minutes of leaving bar she texted me "holla holla, i can't wait to hang out with you."
so for those who doubt social proof and group merging, i number closed 5 ladies and i didn't ask a single one for their number. once they saw me talking to other girls 'jealous bit' took full throttle. i probably merged about 3-4 groups that night and they all saw me as focal point. most of them thought i knew other people well, they probably would have been in shock had they known i just met everybody that night... lol
"O wild and wondrous midnight, There is a might in thee To make the charmed body Almost like spirit be, And give it some faint glimpses Of immortality." --James Russell Lowell