The Power of Jealousy.

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The Power of Jealousy.

Postby Scoundrel » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:45 am

I’d never tried a jealousy plot before and this one came about by accident. But, the power was unmistakable.

I was having a first meet with a woman I met online. As it turned out, she was an ug, but I thought I’d try out some new routines on her. So, we went to a bar where I have a lot of friends and this tall, thin chick I know came in. When I saw her I motioned for her to come over. She did and gave me a hug. She and I teased back and forth a little and I introduced her to the ug who was noticeable annoyed.

The tall chick was busting on me about a pic of her and I that’s on my myspace page. She hates the pic. So, I pulled my cam out and asked ug to take a pic of the two of us. I could see her sizzle (evil grin). But, she never said a word. After that, she was jumping through every hoop I threw at her.

From now on, all my dates will be stopping by this bar at some point!
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Postby NobodyUKnow » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:56 pm

Jealousy rocks. I've been told that it's so effective because it makea a girl realize she likes you, but before that, it's never been put in her face. Makes sense to me... and it ALWAYS works like a charm.

Takeaway from a good set, hit the bar, open a set a few barstools away. Set #1 will ALWAYS be giving u looks.
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