Merging / Building groups

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Merging / Building groups

Postby Welsh_Dragon » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:03 pm

I have become pretty good at joining whatever social group I want in a bar/club environment as this is key to my game these days (out of my home town - few or no wings). I also like to pivot "hard to infiltrate" groups (visually or otherwise assessed as) by first joining a nearby group and using them for social proof and logistics. The skill of group merging to my advantage came onto the radar after it happened once per chance and a lot of positive came from it (anchoring, time bridging, alpha display, etc..). I have seen a real pro build groups of HBs effortlessly to where we had to bring guys in because the girls were getting bored. I guess safety in numbers is a basic human psycology.

Anyone interested to hear or have some tactics to share on this subject?
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Postby johndenver » Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:19 pm

ya this is a good topic

do you do this solo?

or do you have a group that you roll to the bar with and then merge other groups with that?
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Postby Scoundrel » Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:23 pm

Preach the word brother! The faithful are gathered.
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Postby Westfall » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:02 pm

Yes. do share.

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Postby Rhody » Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:26 am

I don't have experience merging sets. The only idea I had was to use an opinion opener on a set and then bring a girl from that set to a new set and use the same opener. Sort of an experiment just to see the girl's reaction.

But, hell yeah, I would like to hear more about the tactics of merging and building sets.
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Postby NobodyUKnow » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:57 pm

(pulls up chair... whips out notebook)
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Postby Welsh_Dragon » Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:35 pm

Building groups is fun. You need to be in high energy mode to attempt this.

Initially you need to master the art of bullshitting with your buddies or other random people in a packed bar whilst at the same time assessing the environment and in particular the dynamic of other groups within range. I have discussed this topic with Vector in the field many a time a while back and your advantage is massively increased by that initial knowledge of their group dynamic, even if you don't approach until hours later. In fact we proved the point several times.

It's easier to start off with a solid wing - someone with whom you actually have rapport because there is no need to maintain their eye contact all the time and many gestures / phrases are assumed without explanation.

I have found it can help to have a base camp. Field time and experience will help you scout these out for each venue and eventually see them intuitively. This is a big thing for me with choosing a sarging venue. Seating areas with standing room are ideal. Think the downstairs couch/seating directly on your left as you enter the Quarter Bar (Breadwinners) in Uptown or even the upstairs couch area next to the bar.

Assess the groups outside of your base camp area and decide on your first target. The easiest group building pieces I have found are single sex sets because the balance is already off center. 2/3 girls is ideal as chicks will always want to join a bigger group if it is good for them socially. Find them out in the bar area and venue change them to the couches. Repeat as necessary and build away!

Obviously the initial pickup is a whole other area so I won't go into it here except to give an example of something I saw XMPUA do one time. It's been several months but i'll try and do it justice.

HBs are sitting on a couch in another area. We have couch area to the left of the entrance in Breadwinners. He had already brought in two HB older blonde chicks and they were with our other wings.

XMPUA - Can you help us out with something?

HBs - Sure thing what is it?

XMPUA - Well the thing is .. there are these really annoying blonde "Dallas" girls in our area who have stuck to us like glue. If you girls come and sit with us it'll scare them away. Can you save us?

HBs - We'd love to but don't want to lose our seats

Me - I'll watch them for you. Don't worry.

HBs - Various shit tests etc..

XMPUA - What are your names?

HBs - Jane, Sally, Anne (whatever)

XMPUA - Here's what I am going to do. I'll write your names on these napkins and put them on the seat. Then definitely no-one will take it.


HBs - OK sure. But don't lose our seats (they never came back to them lol. Also the alpha girl stated to me later how persistent XMPUA was and that is eventually why she agreed to go)

(HBs and XMPUA leaves)

Me (to other HBs) - Come and sit with me on this couch.

And a little later those HBs were part of our group as well. Their addtional friends join in. It's like a snowball. You just have to give her a little push.
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Postby Midnight » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:07 pm

'merging groups' and 3 second rule are key, particularly flying solo as i often do as you NEED social proof for hotties.

last saturday i flew solo and had best night ever going out b/c of these things.

within 10 seconds of first bar opened a set of 6-7's, went to next group, same routine, within 2 hours had opened about 5-6 sets. i also talked to guys, bartenders whomever... once you get in mindset sometimes you are on. by the end of the night i knew half the bar...

anyway, i finally approached an HB8 on the patio outside that i was eyeing all night. she was giving me shit test and had full shield employed. i really was struggling in the first few minutes. then, a 7 came by, i grabbed her and introduced her. the 7 kept grabbing my arm and said i should come back in with her - i told her i was about to go back in after i finished a story. anyway, another minute later a group of 6's came by and said, "hey AK". a few minutes later another 7 came by and gave me her number right in front of HB8. once these girls saw i was talking to other women it created jealousy, social proof, whatever, it is strange but it is true.

needless to say, HB8 completely opened up and started initiating kino to me, right after giving me cold shoulder horrible non-verbal vibe. we exchanged numbers and within 10 minutes of leaving bar she texted me "holla holla, i can't wait to hang out with you."

so for those who doubt social proof and group merging, i number closed 5 ladies and i didn't ask a single one for their number. once they saw me talking to other girls 'jealous bit' took full throttle. i probably merged about 3-4 groups that night and they all saw me as focal point. most of them thought i knew other people well, they probably would have been in shock had they known i just met everybody that night... lol
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Postby johndenver » Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:47 am

wow, nice work ak

what opener/topics did you use on the hb6 groups and what topics did you talk about with guys? I have trouble talking to/befriending random guys in bars, especially if they are not into sports

also what did you try with hb8 at first that she gave the cold shoulder to?
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