After having a Tinder date that went the way that it did, it cemented the fact that women will always be in loops of attraction to what their biology wants. This girl came on the date knowing I teach guys pickup. At first she was pissed about what I did and wrote me off. After basically telling her to accept me or get out. She complied. Anger turned into intrigue and not too the point where she’s asking a million questions of what I did. Where she sees me as this pickup character but as an attractive guy with abundance.
The sex? The sex was dirty and amazing. It’s like the dating coach side did the work for me. There was no last minute resistance, just pure openness. Kind of like being a rock star who didn’t have to game.
When it comes to text messaging, you have to stand your fucking ground. You have to call out girls and sometimes, you have to tell them to fuck off if they don’t accept you. Be willing to lose girls if they’re not acting appropriately. You’ll have a better chance fucking a girl who knows you wont take her shit in oppose to a woman who knows you’ll take her shit.
If a girl that disrespected you in some way tries to calls you or text you out of the blue, don’t make yourself available to her and if anything ignores her. She’s fishing for validation and isn’t looking to hook up with you. Something went wrong in her dating life and she’s looking for people to re-validate her value. The best thing you can do in this situation is to act completely indifferent and if anything go cold turkey on her. She’s done. Don’t give her anything.