Dating at work

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Dating at work

Postby Jaws » Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:12 pm

Does anyone have any thoughts on dating people at work? I want to get some advice before showing interest to a colleague
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Re: Dating at work

Postby Triumvirate » Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:56 pm

My advice: "Don't date a coworker"

We live in a metro of over six million. Stop being lazy and find somone who doesn't park 3 rows from you.

Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this advice.
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Re: Dating at work

Postby crow » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:59 am

I agree with triumvirate, and I'll add another reason .

The temptation to date those in close proximity is natural. We interact with coworkers on breaks or casually during the day, and we develop a personal connection with them--at least, that's ideal in an office setting. The attractive female coworker is an easy target for daydreams and what-ifs, and those idle thoughts start to feel important--maybe this is real attraction, maybe she's right for me--and the fact that we know it's a bad idea paradoxically adds to the appeal.

But the warning against dating coworkers, which may well be in your company's HR policy, is borne from experience. 99% of your relationships will end, and you don't want the anxiety and hassle of being around an ex at work. Moreover, coworker dating makes for really bizarre grapevine exaggerations.

There are some cases where it turns out well, but they're rare.

And that goes to the reason I want to add. You should be directing your attention to strangers while you're getting your initiation skills together. Daydream about going to a venue with girls in it. Daydream about "expendable" relationships. You need room to make mistakes, now, you know? The real fear is that you'll get so happy getting attention from your office crush that you won't be as enthusiastic about new women.

So, in a nutshell, don't just not date the coworker, push the idea as far out of your mind as possible.

I will say this, though: she might make for one helluva pivot . . .
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Re: Dating at work

Postby Jaws » Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:19 pm

Wow... don;t know why I didn't think of that! Using her asa pivot would be the perfect solution. I think that practicing conversational skills with a hot girl is a good use of time too.. So i'll keep doing that but stay far away from a dating or flirting mindset. Really appreciate the feedback guys
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Re: Dating at work

Postby Kool » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:29 pm

I personally have "dated" coworkers so I can speak from experience. Some of us hate to admit it but, a lot of our social interactions come from the work place. Some of the best girls I have dated have been from my place of work. A year ago I dated this girl in my office. We had sex everywhere, in her car during lunch, in her office while others were working, we would even sneak off to screw in the stairwell. Dating coworkers was not allowed at work for good reasons. This relationship really put me in a difficult situation because I was thinking with my dick and not my head. My office really needed me and this was taking up a lot of my time while at work. I like what I do and don't want to lose my job over some ass. When we weren't bumping n grinding she would be texting me all the time. This went on for about three months and the work I was putting in was horrible. Luckily, she got let go, not my fault, and went to work for another company. If she had stayed I don't think things would have turned out very well for me. I think I would have lost my job. So with all of that said don't stick you pin in the company ink. It's not worth it. I personally know a lot of people who have lost their jobs over this.

In fact, I wouldn't even use this girl has bait. At work I try to keep my personal life as private as possible.
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