The secret of naturals

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The secret of naturals

Postby VOLVEX » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:56 pm

Guys i heard about the so called naturals i mean the men who are born with seduction skills.Although i never had met one i greatly want to learn their technique.some books say they manipulate body language.Is that true?Is it possible for an unnatural like me to learn this one.Also recommend some books related to this(i have read derek vitalio's seduction science)

regards VOLVEX
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby ninjamatt » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:58 pm

I don't know if anyone is "born" with seduction skills. For some guys it comes easier than others. One could make a philosophical argument everyone is born with it. One could make an argument no one is born with it. I never read books but skimmed through "The Game" by Neil Strauss. That might be a starting point if you want to read a book. Strauss is a bright guy who follows a few experienced pua's in the mid 2000s and writes a book on it. Before he wrote it, he would consider himself unnatural but now would probably call himself a natural.

I wouldn't get too caught up in reading books if I were you. The thing about books is that every person writing a book based on their experience is different. Their culture is different .Where they got their experience is different. Who they are is different. Is the guy a 10 who fucks a 7 every night? Is he a 7 who fucks a 10 once per year? Are they wanting to help people or are they wanting to make money telling people garbage they think makes sense? A guy writing from New York City, or Los Angeles, Dallas, Brazil, Europe, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington DC, Canada or Asia may all have different philosophies b/c the cultures in all locations are different. Get others in the thread to weigh in but book writers can lead you in a bad direction.

I'm not sure what you mean by manipulate body language but I think you mean read body language to determine how to proceed in a conversation or action. Sure it's possible but it takes practice
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby Montepalacio » Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:31 am

Hi man, about books you can read them all at it would all be meaningless unless you go out. If you really want to become good, just go out, theory is nothing without practive. However, If you are interested in reading I would strongly recommend the way of the superior man by David Deida. Naturals flow with a sense of confidence higher than opther and a strong frame among other things, nothing that can not be developed. I watched Flawelss Natural by RSD Tim and the Natural Instict Maniphiesto by RSD Alex, but again the important thing is for you to go out there, ruin sets, get rejected and suffer pain until one day slow progress shows. Good luck!
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby Klansmen » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:38 pm

ninjamatt wrote:I don't know if anyone is "born" with seduction skills. For some guys it comes easier than others. One could make a philosophical argument everyone is born with it. One could make an argument no one is born with it. I never read books but skimmed through "The Game" by Neil Strauss. That might be a starting point if you want to read a book. Strauss is a bright guy who follows a few experienced pua's in the mid 2000s and writes a book on it. Before he wrote it, he would consider himself unnatural but now would probably call himself a natural.

I wouldn't get too caught up in reading books if I were you. The thing about books is that every person writing a book based on their experience is different. Their culture is different .Where they got their experience is different. Who they are is different. Is the guy a 10 who fucks a 7 every night? Is he a 7 who fucks a 10 once per year? Are they wanting to help people or are they wanting to make money telling people garbage they think makes sense? A guy writing from New York City, or Los Angeles, Dallas, Brazil, Europe, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington DC, Canada or Asia may all have different philosophies b/c the cultures in all locations are different. Get others in the thread to weigh in but book writers can lead you in a bad direction.

I'm not sure what you mean by manipulate body language but I think you mean read body language to determine how to proceed in a conversation or action. Sure it's possible but it takes practice

Strausses success came from the fact that he was a New York Times best seller author and had a lot of media connections because of his job. Neil wasn't a natural and essentially anybody who does PU ie does not learn the traditional way is not a natural, if they were they wouldn't need PU. Naturals learn how to deal with women at a young age like middle school and end up seducing a lot of girls by the time they are in college.i was one and so is my son, even know he watched me flirt with his mother growing up.
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby ninjamatt » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:13 pm

was he a best selling author before "the game" or just a "heard of" blogger who got tabbed to do the book? Your natural theory is interesting but purely philosophical in my opinion. People you always perceived as naturals were probably never real naturals the way you perceive now or at any point.
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby Klansmen » Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:51 pm

NO if i remember correctly Neil Strauss wrote several books that were well known before joining the community. Natural is heavily debatable because some men tend to just be high value because they are hard workers and end up becoming rich guys(whom are also very confident due to their success and it leads over to women), others have high value personalities to where other people are just normally drawn to them. Take for instance a guy may be a really funny guy like a comedian and he is perceived to be high value because people have a good time with him and it draws women to him because of that(these are the natural alpha males in most groups because of their perceived value).
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby IsiMan84 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:53 pm

He helped write a couple autobiographies for some rock stars but nothing major before he released the book, besides whatever articles he wrote for New York Times and Rolling Stone. Even then he wasn't getting laid from hanging out with rock stars. He pretty much started from scratch as far as pickup skill goes. Complete overhaul of his appearance and previous beliefs regarding women, etc.

His 'connections' wouldn't have done much for cold approaching randoms. That's more warm approach type stuff. But if he was already a baller, there's not much reason to join the community. Not to mention he was sharing a house with like 12 people.
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby newbasis » Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:53 pm

I'm new to all this but I know a guy who qualifies as a "natural." I've just started working at this thing a month ago, so when he boasts of his exploits and shuns my discussion of PUAing, it's difficult not to compare myself to him. But I feel like guys like that have no idea why they're successful, though, so I try not to read too much into his advice. I've determined to stick with PUA methodology and push through. I think it's a generally universal truth that in the long run someone who runs off of pure natural talent, in any area of life, will always eventually be surpassed by hard work and a willingness to change.

By the way if anyone out there is interested in helping me out with some coaching, my name's Robert. I have open availability and am 100 percent determined, but very inexperienced. You can reach me at or text (559)920-7440 (Just moved here from Cali). Thanks guys!
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby Tribulus1000 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:07 am

Do you believe everything you read?

Those so called naturals fucked chicks in high school and college. They got one or two of them pregnant and would up pushing baby strollers.
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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Re: The secret of naturals

Postby Jaws » Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:26 pm

Yeah I totally believe in the power of body language.. Just got done reading a great book on it written by an ex-FBI agent and everything in there was so insightful. Got me thinking about my every move, gesture, and those of the people around me. I guess naturals just have it internalized
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