Getting back in the saddle

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Getting back in the saddle

Postby TheFlyingHungarian » Fri May 03, 2013 9:52 pm

Ok its been a good little while since i've been on the forum, it's been almost two years since i truly have put pick up into practice. Long story short i got stuck in a lame as hell LTR with a girl that wasnt worth it, had a major AFC relapse coupled with some real bad oneitice, but that shits all done with now and its time to get back in the game! as for me i'm a 25 year old male, above average attractiveness(not just tooting my own horn, its my job), terrible at opening and trying to be funny, i keep being told i over think pick up way to much when i should just roll with it, really really looking to work on my conversational skills to get rid of those acquired silences i hate, need help smoothing out kino escalation(kiss close is easy moving on from there not so much),and my approach is shit i relay far to much on my looks and that can only get you so far. thats me in a nutshell glad to be back in the community, drop me a line if you are so inclined.
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Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:04 pm

Re: Getting back in the saddle

Postby relax » Tue May 07, 2013 5:54 pm

Where city are you in / where do you go to usually?
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