23 Yr Old, Reformed Spaz, Looking to Get Back in My Groove

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23 Yr Old, Reformed Spaz, Looking to Get Back in My Groove

Postby NedStark » Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:53 pm

Hi all, I'm a Dallasonian living in the Addison area. I was once a diligent student of the game, found some success but got lazy and let life get in the way. Here I am a couple years later, crawling out of a recent funk/low point and I'm beyond ready and willing to take my life, not just game, to the absolute TOP of the mountain! Who's with me!? :)

Anyways I also have a solid background and interest in fitness, music (I'm a guitar picker, almost a music major as well), Dallas Cowboys football, and food ( I love to cook, and eat! More so the latter.)

I'm on the search for some like minded guys for support both infield and online, so if you're in need of a wing(s), hit me up and let's help eachother. I try to have as little ego as possible when learning new skills in the sense that I'm not too proud to seek guidance and understanding from those who are better than me. I'm always down to learn something new and teach what I know.

With that said, time to meet some women! I look forward to getting to know and grow with you all.

- NedStark of Winterfell
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:12 pm

Re: 23 Yr Old, Reformed Spaz, Looking to Get Back in My Groo

Postby NedStark » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:19 pm

A little more about my game:

I get AA just like any other guy but I feel like I have a pretty decent control over it and it USUALLY doesn't prevent me from approaching. In fact, socializing and talking with women is not my problem or sticking point. It's communicating my intent, sexualising the interaction, garnering attraction, and pulling. I'm a master of getting into the friendzone and I've realized the only way to change this is by focusing and workong on my weaknesses.

Some coaches who I really relate to and am a fan of:
Brad P
Tyler Durden from RSD
And of course the great Neil Strauss (will forever be thankful for his book)

But the types of game I identify more so with tend to be natural as opposed to tactical (I.e. the old Mystery Method, lots of canned material).

I want to work on all forms of my game from daygame to online dating and nightclubs. I feel like my strengths stem from my inner game and my inner confidence and ability to project that. I'm good at conversing, I can talk to almost anyone.
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:12 pm

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