advice needed

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advice needed

Postby Rgreen42 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:53 am

Ive got a main girlfriend now for almost about two years now and im having some trouble she likes to play games even tho she swears up and down she doesnt she doesnt really comply with my requests ive tried everything and dont really no what to do for example she will say she'll call me back if were on the phone and 3 to 4 hours has passed and still nuthing but she will txt me and be mad because i havent called her when she said she will call me back ive never had this problems with any other girls can anybody help or lend advice
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Re: advice needed

Postby Triumvirate » Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:37 am

In order to help understand what you're trying to say please use punctuation in the future.

As far as advice, you probably did a terrible job of establishing boundaries from the get-go. I bet if you were to really think about it, she's probably been pulling shit like this from when you were first dating. You were probably so insistent on being in a relationship with her that you ignored it.

So what do you do now?
You have to let her know what kind of behavior is unacceptable. You don't have to yell or get in a fight about it. Just say, for example, "When someone says they'll call me back, I expect that to be done in a timely manner."

Try that and report back on your findings.
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Re: advice needed

Postby Mojo » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:23 pm

Triumvirate wrote:As far as advice, you probably did a terrible job of establishing boundaries from the get-go.

^ Yes, setting expectations are important and easier done at the beginning than in the middle.

When letting her know what behaviors are unacceptable, do it in a way where you don't seem bitter or implying your are bitter about it. Triumvirate is right, don't get pissed off. And remember to award good behavior which is usually much more effictive at conditioning than penalizing bad behavior.

What is worrisome is that she will go without hours calling you back yet seem pissed when you don't call her back immediately. Do you get the feeling she may be up to something she shouldn't?
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Re: advice needed

Postby Tribulus1000 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:44 pm

If she keeps it up, I would drop her like a bad habit.
You don't need to be treated like that. There are plenty of girls that are sweet and don't play that kind of sh*t.

Yeah boundaries are important. But let's face it, as men we let good looking women get away with things. The better looking she is, the more of a spoiled brat she is.
(That's not a rule but it is in the majority. Especially among urban types.)

Boundaries are only as good as their consequences. You break the law, you go to jail. If she's being an ass, you need to kick her to the curb.


As far as dating goes, if you have a decent job and have some time, go visit a foreign country. You won't believe the difference!

Just a hint because I met my wife this way and she's amazing.

If I were doing this again, I would probably save up for a trip to South America, Russia or Ukraine.
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Re: advice needed

Postby relax » Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:36 pm

Drop her. Or go out, meet other chicks and fuck her if/when you come home empty.
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