Wassssssss Uppppppp!!!!!

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Wassssssss Uppppppp!!!!!

Postby kelvin92 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:01 pm

Hi I'm hermesake. I'm 20 years old. I read Strauss's book about a month ago and fell in love with the PUA community what you guys do sounds like a lot of fun. So how do I get started?
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Re: Wassssssss Uppppppp!!!!!

Postby Mojo » Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:51 pm

Hi Kelvin,

I'm assuming you're talking about "The Game", the standard gateway book to the community. Welcome to the board the board and let the addiction begin! Hook up with some of the fellas here for wingmen. Just post a request here: viewforum.php?f=6


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Re: Wassssssss Uppppppp!!!!!

Postby BigGayAppletree » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:09 am

Don't become too conditioned to wingman, however.

It can excel you short term, and hinder long term.

In other words, if you develop a working relationship with a wing, learn to be independent from them in the venue. Let each other be. Be social together, then blast off to all corners of the place, solo.

Lastly, in order to begin this game, simply decide to!

The power of decisions begins with intentions, and even more so actions congruent with intentions.

If you want to talk to women, then tomorrow go talk to women. Period.

Do. Not. Make. It. Difficult.

Keep it simple. Right now, if you are interested in becoming a pump, step one is learning to successfully socialize with women. You do this to learn what will and what will not work for you. Base this off your own person, and not the judgments of others.

Remember to stand up straight, and talk as if you are a man. Tonality makes or breaks what the girl thinks about you.

You could literally open a set by reading the Chili's menu to her, as long as you had the proper inflection.

Speak with your diaphragm. Your core.

And don't just have fun.... be fun. You are the party.
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Re: Wassssssss Uppppppp!!!!!

Postby Triumvirate » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:11 pm

We'll be out in Dallas tomorrow. PM me for details.
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