The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

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The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

Postby Triumvirate » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:08 am


I have stumbled upon a technique for number closing that is pure gold. I hope you're sitting down and you're ready for this. Here's how it goes:

You've been chatting up a girl for a few minutes and you decide that you are going to go for the number close. As you are probably in qualification, when she says something that you like, you just say,

"Hey you seem kind of cool. Take my number down."

From there she pulls out her phone and begins taking your number down. Then you tell her how to spell your name and she'll put your name down as well. Here is the kicker. You tell her:

"Alright, call my phone so I have your number. I don't answer numbers that I don't know"

She calls your phone and you save her name. Bada bing, everyone's happy. From here, you text/phone game as normal.

Why is this so powerful?
1. It makes YOU the selector. Because she met your standards and you're rewarding her with YOUR number, a highly sought after thing.
2. It sets the impression that you are used to having people call your phone all the time, especially strange women who you don't know.
3. It eliminates the dreaded "who's this?" text. She has your name right there on her phone already.
4. Eliminates the awkwardness of asking for her number.

Gentlemen, go out and use this the next time you sarge. Its so boss, I RARELY have a woman not respond to my first texts.
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Re: The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

Postby GettenJizzywitit » Sun May 13, 2012 4:03 pm

Good Move...I realized this as well and used this several times except I'll usually say something on the ground of, "Hey take my number down in your phone; I had to leave mine charging in the car". A strong IOI after doing that happens when she calls it herself without me telling her to do so once she types the number in. That tells me I did good job and they'll typically respond in the majority of cases to talk again. :wink:

If she doesn't call it right away, of course I'll ask her to call it so I'll have it; unfortunately they usually wont pick up or respond the next day or later. That tells me I could have done better - duh :?

Overall, I've found it to be a good way of letting you know how you did with your seduction process however long you stayed in the set.

If she at least had fun talking to you, it seems women will avoid controversy at that time whether you got her attached to you or not, and usually do what you ask with the number. Only if you had a really bad impression, you'll get the "Sorry I don't give out my number" speech from her.
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Re: The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

Postby Tribulus1000 » Mon May 14, 2012 12:37 pm

Triumvirate wrote:Gentlemen,

I have stumbled upon a technique for number closing that is pure gold. I hope you're sitting down and you're ready for this. Here's how it goes:

You've been chatting up a girl for a few minutes and you decide that you are going to go for the number close. As you are probably in qualification, when she says something that you like, you just say,

"Hey you seem kind of cool. Take my number down."

From there she pulls out her phone and begins taking your number down. Then you tell her how to spell your name and she'll put your name down as well. Here is the kicker. You tell her:

"Alright, call my phone so I have your number. I don't answer numbers that I don't know"

She calls your phone and you save her name. Bada bing, everyone's happy. From here, you text/phone game as normal.

Why is this so powerful?
1. It makes YOU the selector. Because she met your standards and you're rewarding her with YOUR number, a highly sought after thing.
2. It sets the impression that you are used to having people call your phone all the time, especially strange women who you don't know.
3. It eliminates the dreaded "who's this?" text. She has your name right there on her phone already.
4. Eliminates the awkwardness of asking for her number.

Gentlemen, go out and use this the next time you sarge. Its so boss, I RARELY have a woman not respond to my first texts.

Yes this is good.

I like it for the simple reason that you're setting the right frame. She calls you.
That is waaay better than you calling her.

The other thing I like about it is that you are being commanding. Its a call to action. "Call my number".


So next you have to figure out a good conversion tactic.

Just map it out. Awesome Man!

I nominate this post as BEST OF THE FORUM.
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Re: The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

Postby Eazy » Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:50 pm

This tactic works very well. I've actually been doing it for a while and it almost never fails. Depending on the girl, I usually throw a joke in there. ill very playfully say something kinda like- "Don't worry, I'll only call you when I'm drunk and and lonely at 3am on friday nights" or "call my phone so I have your number that way if you get really crazy and obsessed I can block it."
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Re: The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

Postby ninjamatt » Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:20 am

What I like to do which modifies your theory slightly is this. I like to find a point in the conversation where it's going good and I think she will remember me the next day. Hopefully around 5 minutes of convo but anywhere from 2 minutes to 30 or more can work. I will say something like, "I have to go over there" or "we are going to x place" then I say "let me get your number and I will text you this weekend." the term "let me" generally works better than "can I" although some chicks like the question form better than the demand but statistically speaking either way is ok.

When I get the number, I will text them my name immediately and tell them I'm doing it, so I know it's a valid number. They do remember that. One issue I have run in to a little bit is, some women are weary of others in a club seeing them give their number so you want to try to figure out if it's smart to take out your phone , or just tell her you aren't taking it out that you will remember the number. If I can tell they are on top of their game and know their friends(bf) are watching, I will say "I'm gonna go walk around, give me your number and I'll remember it, I don't want to get my phone out now" If you really like her, you can remember it for a few minutes and put it in when you get out of her sight. it will be a tactic she's never heard before and will work like a charm if she's even semi-interested. that's a situation thing you'll get better at reading with practice but generally either way is ok for starters. One option is tell them you left your phone in the car if you don't want to get yours out if she makes you jittery nervous.

It's my experience that it takes a woman of lower value to initiate texts or calls to a male.
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Re: The Best Number Close Routine Ever?

Postby IsiMan84 » Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:00 am

ninjamatt wrote:What I like to do which modifies your theory slightly is this. I like to find a point in the conversation where it's going good and I think she will remember me the next day. Hopefully around 5 minutes of convo but anywhere from 2 minutes to 30 or more can work. I will say something like, "I have to go over there" or "we are going to x place" then I say "let me get your number and I will text you this weekend." the term "let me" generally works better than "can I" although some chicks like the question form better than the demand but statistically speaking either way is ok.

When I get the number, I will text them my name immediately and tell them I'm doing it, so I know it's a valid number. They do remember that. One issue I have run in to a little bit is, some women are weary of others in a club seeing them give their number so you want to try to figure out if it's smart to take out your phone , or just tell her you aren't taking it out that you will remember the number. If I can tell they are on top of their game and know their friends(bf) are watching, I will say "I'm gonna go walk around, give me your number and I'll remember it, I don't want to get my phone out now" If you really like her, you can remember it for a few minutes and put it in when you get out of her sight. it will be a tactic she's never heard before and will work like a charm if she's even semi-interested. that's a situation thing you'll get better at reading with practice but generally either way is ok for starters. One option is tell them you left your phone in the car if you don't want to get yours out if she makes you jittery nervous.

It's my experience that it takes a woman of lower value to initiate texts or calls to a male.

How does that pile of shit you just posted "slightly modify" anything he said? Not only did you post exactly what he said you SHOULDN'T do in #4, but what you explained is way too much work and extremely inefficient. Why do you need to walk around trying to remember a girl's number for minutes after she gave it to you, when you could give her yours and then TELL her to call yours immediately?

"Can I" = asking permission
"Let me" = asking permission
"Could you" = asking permission

None of these are action words or commands. You're giving her the option to say no. Obviously her number must be the prize to you if you're treating it like the ring Gollum is looking for. If you were a high value male and she was actually interested in you, it would be a social proof boost to her if you were seen choosing her over other women.

Isn't the whole point of this pickup stuff to give yourself perceived value (real or otherwise) over the woman? So clearly it would take a woman of 'lower' value to initiate convo if she's invested.

All that being said, this whole thing could be avoided if instead of bailing on a good note like George Costanza you sacked up and went for the pull. The number should be nothing but a consolation prize if the pull isn't an option, or a means of keeping in contact with her during the process of a pull. You're going to look like a bitch if you're making yourself jump through all these hoops to get something as minor as a number.
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