bring the PAIN...

Anything goes

bring the PAIN...

Postby Guest » Tue May 31, 2011 12:30 am

Congratulations to the Dallas Mavs for making the NBA Finals. Too bad, what with me being from Miami and all, I've got to inform and educate you that my Miami Heat will now have to crush your sorry team and make you cry like little girls.

And Bull Run is about to owe me a steak dinner.


Postby Guest » Tue May 31, 2011 7:31 pm

I'm going to enjoy bumping this thread weekly when the mavs do win the championship

Postby Guest » Tue May 31, 2011 11:31 pm

Hey you're not off to a great start there, Gunslinger.

1-0 Miami.

It looks like the "big 3" are too much for the Mavs.

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:51 am

It takes 4 Grimm.

The Mavs looked bad down the stretch. Confused. Frustrated.

The issue is this, the Mavs play great defense, as evidenced by the low score, but offensively they are fundamentally a shooting team. And, shooting teams are streaky. So, the question is this: will the hot hand come back? If so, they'll give the Heat fits. If not, it'll be a short series.

And, I wouldn't call them the 'big 3.' It's more like the 'big 2 1/2.' Bosh is hardly a superstar.

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:53 pm

[QUOTE=Bull Run;41267]

And, I wouldn't call them the 'big 3.' It's more like the 'big 2 1/2.' Bosh is hardly a superstar.[/QUOTE]

And lets not forget that lebron couldn't make it to the finals when he was in cleveland. He obviously can't carry his team by himself, he needs wade and bosh. True stars make their team, and lebron nevet did that. Sure, he shoots some good shots and is clutch, but he's no jordan or bryant.

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:14 pm

The problem for Dallas is that dirk nowitzki is not going to be enough. Put it this way...Bosh is basically the same player as dirk nowitzki, and wade and lebron are unquestionably better.

The reason all these Dallas fans thought they were gonna win is because they play in the West where nobody plays defense.

No way can Dallas handle Miami's shutdown defense.

[QUOTE=Bull Run;41267]It takes 4 Grimm.

The Mavs looked bad down the stretch. Confused. Frustrated.

The issue is this, the Mavs play great defense, as evidenced by the low score, but offensively they are fundamentally a shooting team. And, shooting teams are streaky. So, the question is this: will the hot hand come back? If so, they'll give the Heat fits. If not, it'll be a short series.

And, I wouldn't call them the 'big 3.' It's more like the 'big 2 1/2.' Bosh is hardly a superstar.[/QUOTE]

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:25 pm

No no no. He did carry the Cavs to the finals by himself, but he had NOBODY else on that team... as evidenced by the Cavs being the worst team in basketball this year after losing ONE PLAYER. That just shows the impact he had over there.

Man I grew up watching Jordan... Michael Jordan might have been the best athlete at any sport I have ever witnessed. So I would still say he's better than Lebron.

That said, James is easily the best player in basketball today. He can guard anybody on the court, from a point guard to a 7 foot center. And he's not a ball hog like Bryant.

Kobe Bryant is good but has never been at James' level. I don't even think he's the best Laker of all time, honestly. If Kobe Bryant were so great, he would have beaten the Mavs. But that's what Lebron will do.

As for a true star carrying their team... only Jordan can really say that IMO (and only for his first 3), and even he had Pippen. Bryant had Shaq (who is better all-time than Bryant BY FAR) and a whole bunch of talent around him.

[QUOTE=Gunslinger;41270]And lets not forget that lebron couldn't make it to the finals when he was in cleveland. He obviously can't carry his team by himself, he needs wade and bosh. True stars make their team, and lebron nevet did that. Sure, he shoots some good shots and is clutch, but he's no jordan or bryant.[/QUOTE]

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:30 pm

BTW Jordan had several years before the Bulls got Pippen and some other pieces around him where the furthest he could carry them was the Eastern Conference Finals, but even he couldn't get around the Pistons and their "big 3" of Isiah Thomas, Dennis Rodman, Joe Dumars, and Bill Lambeer.

The Pistons at that time were a lot like the Celtics a couple years ago when they won with their "big 3". Smothering defense, and tons of boards.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:52 pm

Now thats how to win a game. The heat were up by like 13 points with a couple min. to go and they pissed away that lead.

Looks like "the big 3" choked away a win.

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:27 am

enjoy it while you can, guys...


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