Poverty or Sell Out

Anything goes

Postby Mojo » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:02 pm

You can not be rich by doing what you hate.

It is only doing what you love that you can be successful.

There has been some mention of the typical starving artist. My cousin is an artist, but does not starve. He bought a house which he rented out to college students. The house has been paid for, he still collects the rent, and has bought another house doing the same. With the money coming in, all he does is paint and travel the world. Do what you love and you will find a way. You can't let car payments, house payments, or whatever stop you.

The main route to being successful is owning your own business. Imagine taking 5 years to create a business that runs by itself while you collect 100k/yr (it must run by itself for until it does, you don't own a business, you own a job) then going off to build another business... in 10 years that 200k/yr... 20 years 400k/yr. And all you do is sit around to collect the checks. Though you would not want to sit around for to be happy you must be productive and constantly accomplishing. With me, I will continue to build more businesses cause I enjoy it.

You must love it so much that when it is time to retire, you do not want to retire!

Good books to read:
    1) The E-Myth (The main point is common sense that many don't follow and is essential to buidling a business - a must read)
    2) Rich Dad, Poor Dad (I remmeber this being a solid read)
    3) Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (create the right mindset for being wealthy - uses sound psychology/NLP)
    4) The 7 Habits of Successful People (this is a classic - a must read)

Hope this helps,


P.S. "You Have More Than You Think" by the Motley Fool brothers is a good book on how to save and invest. Basically a cook at McDonalds can be a Millionaire when he retires, it just knowing how to save and invest. With this logic, anyone with a similiar job can save and start his own business. You must know you can and let know obstacles stop you. After all, obstacles are but opportunites in disguise...
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Postby TAG » Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:41 am

Hey Scoundrel,

Know the feeling...early on I had nice car, awesome living space, best club membership just after college and for the first five years out of school life was better than planned....but gave it all up to chase a poor man's dream after having near death experience...was so down on $$$ at a point that I needed to give plasma weekly to get cash.... and was looking at any way to make money (even was calling the sperm bank and bone marrow foundation), had no car...lived on a couch...and waited tables at a Pizza joint twenty hours/week...however out of that situation...I had no debt/no responsibility and had freedom to do whatever I wanted (except purchase material items).

My only struggle sometimes was my own ego and sometimes struggling with what my friends/family thought. But strangely enough I had some of the best experiences of my life (cool girlfriend) and several doors opened up (by giving up working 12-16 hour days I could see and have time to create opportunities). For example ended up traveling outside the country doing volunteer work with Yugoslavian Refugees on someone elses dime...traveling around Europe (almost everything was paid for by someone else) this was a dream and then all kinds of cool doors opened up) was offered a job in Russia out of the blue...it was just wild how things just kept on opening up. Trying to create that space today for things to occur.

I guess at the end of the day...my opinion is that some of us have responsibilities that we can not just give up our work this minute if we hate it...but I do believe for me anyway...being miserable at work is the worst and will not tolerate it for more than six months of looking at my how I can make it better...unless I know that I will get something out of it that will benefit myself in the future. Eventually I set a time limit to make a change (last place was six months) and keeping up some type of fun hobby kept me going through the tough times so that at least part of the day friggin fun.

A cool program that might be worthwhile to go looked into is the Pathfinder. Accidently I had met two strangers who were just in love with their work and both credited their experience of going through the Pathfinder program. Went through their testing a couple of months ago and found it very valuable.

Good luck...been there more than once.
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Postby Scoundrel » Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:41 am

I do want to have my own biz again, but this time it will be something I do alone. (finding good employees is harder than gaming a 10) I’d like to start teaching guitar and I have guys coming to me asking advice on getting chicks. So, I’m starting to think I could be a dating coach as well. I don’t have to be as good as Mystery or David DeAngelo to tell AFCs how to get laid, I just have to be better than they are (LOL). I have a plan, but my issue is time.

I don’t want this thread to turn into me crying about how much my pussy hurts. I’m grateful for the advice.
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Great Topic

Postby Sinatra » Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:05 am

This question would make a great opener.

Go up and ask:

"Which is better? To work at something you you can put your whole heart and soul into and sacrifice? Or, do some thing that you hate just to aquire wealth?

Really (look confused, no matter what her response is)?

Why do you think that?"
It is better to try, best to succeed than sitting alone watching/reading porn.
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