In all of the online game I've run in the past, I've drastically rebuild my profile and approach which has resulted in substantially better results. I have crafted a very solid profile that gets opened frequently (althought not always by the hottest chicks in the world) and have created 3 or 4 really solid openers (opening e-mails).
Before I made these changes and findings, I would get a response from an e-mail maybe 10% of the time. The remaining times, I would simply get no response.
After I made these changes, my response rate shot up to about 30%, with about a 30% ignore rate, and the remaining times I would simply get a short response that lacks any deep level of investment such as:
So, I pose this question you to gentlemen. How do you respond to emails with such low levels of investment on their part? Generally, I perceive such emails as a lack of interest BUT even if they aren't, one could argue than ANY response is an IOI, then I think of the girl as lacking substance. The problem with the latter assumption is that the girl could simply be shy and wants me to carry the conversation forward.
I'm not going to share my openers with you guys because I've worked really hard on coming up with them. But, that shouldn't really matter. The point is this: what's the next step after LOL? Do you continue on with the theme of the original email (keep in mind that my original emails are relatively generic and usually quite funny...think of the creation of fantasy worlds and time bridges OR disqualifing myself in a funny way) or do you cut the thread and get a little more serious in an effort to build rapport?
Frankly, I'm stumped...