Recent study on six pack abs

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Recent study on six pack abs

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:15 pm


The link above is to a study that states that men with a six pack are no more or less attractive then men that have an average build.

[I] "An average-sized man is just as appealing as a bulked-up Adonis, according to Australian research that examined viewers' responses to different male body types in advertisements.[/I]
[I]Men and women had rated images of slender or slightly chubby masculinity at least as highly as those with well-defined six-packs, said the study leader, Phillippa Diedrichs, suggesting successful campaigns did not have to portray only rock hard biceps and rippling abs."[/I]

What are your thoughts on this?

It's a bit hard to believe that someone who is ripped would be on the same level of attractiveness as an average joe.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:03 pm

[QUOTE=Just/Us;36347]It's a bit hard to believe that someone who is ripped would be on the same level of attractiveness as an average joe.[/QUOTE]

I diagree. If there is a reason why a ripped guy would appear to be more attractive than an average guy would have to do with confidence. The ripped guy probably feels more confident and secure than the average guy and that's incredibly attractive to women.

It's about how you carry yourself and what image of yourself that you project that really matters.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:15 pm

[QUOTE=Bull Run;36348]I diagree. If there is a reason why a ripped guy would appear to be more attractive than an average guy would have to do with confidence. The ripped guy probably feels more confident and secure than the average guy and that's incredibly attractive to women.

It's about how you carry yourself and what image of yourself that you project that really matters.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, good point. Never thought if it that way. Since that's the case, is it pointless to slave hours away at the gym trying to get a perfect body? Why not just do enough to stay in decent shape and good physical condition so as not to be a fat ass?

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:24 pm

[QUOTE=Bull Run;36348]I diagree. If there is a reason why a ripped guy would appear to be more attractive than an average guy would have to do with confidence. The ripped guy probably feels more confident and secure than the average guy and that's incredibly attractive to women.

It's about how you carry yourself and what image of yourself that you project that really matters.[/QUOTE]

No offense but come on man, you have transformed your body more than anyone, are you gonna tell me that you don't see any difference in the way women respond to you physically? I call bullshit on that.

Yes there are things that matter more than looks, but that doesn't mean that women don't like a nice physique.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:54 pm

I think there is some merit to that as women put less emphasis on looks than men do. You don't have to be ripped with a six packto be attractive to women, but you have to have somewhat of an athletic build. Reason being that fitness subcomminicates good health and even a better provider (in the old days, the more fit you are, the better you are at hunting, generally speaking).

Having said that, I will say that being ripped will only help you. Given two men of equal value (same education, wealth, etc), but one ripped and one chubby, most women would prefer the ripped guy.

Also, if you ask most women if they would like their chubby bf to have a body like brad Pitt in fight club, I garuntee you 90% would say yes. Those who say no are lying or like chubby guys.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:13 pm


Having said that, I will say that being ripped will only help you. Given two men of equal value (same education, wealth, etc), but one ripped and one [B]chubby[/B], most women would prefer the ripped guy.

Also, if you ask most women if they would like their chubby bf to have a body like brad Pitt in fight club, I garuntee you 90% would say yes. Those who say no are lying or like [B]chubby[/B] guys.[/QUOTE]

I understand what you are saying prodigy, and I do agree with you. But the study is not about ripped vs [B]chubby[/B] guys, its ripped vs average build (athletic build as you put it). I am talking about your normal thin guy, vs a guy that has an obvious six pack.

No one or no study is suggesting that fat or chubby people are on par with thin people.

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:48 am

[QUOTE=Just/Us;36352]I understand what you are saying prodigy, and I do agree with you. But the study is not about ripped vs [B]chubby[/B] guys, its ripped vs average build (athletic build as you put it). I am talking about your normal thin guy, vs a guy that has an obvious six pack.

No one or no study is suggesting that fat or chubby people are on par with thin people.[/QUOTE]

I didn't read the study, but even as you put it, I find it hard to believe. I still think that women would prefer someone with brad pitts build in fight club rather than someone who is skinny.

There is a reason why most male models are fit, ripped and muscular. There's a reason why Greek god sculptures are shredded. There's a reason why michaelangelo's David has a six pack.

It's because they're the definition of beauty and most women's object of desire.

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:52 am

Let's not forget that most women are chubby to fat. They know beyond a doubt that they could never get a guy who is ripped to shreds. They know it so well that they even lie to themselves and say they don't like it. It's really a confidence issue, they prefer the "normal" guy because that is what is closest and most attainable to them. Now let's do a study of 9's and 10's and see what the cream of the crop like....

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:36 am

[QUOTE=Lion;36354]Let's not forget that most women are chubby to fat. They know beyond a doubt that they could never get a guy who is ripped to shreds. They know it so well that they even lie to themselves and say they don't like it. It's really a confidence issue, they prefer the "normal" guy because that is what is closest and most attainable to them. Now let's do a study of 9's and 10's and see what the cream of the crop like....[/QUOTE]

Excellent point!

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:15 am

I don't buy it at all. Women want to be the beautiful one in the relationship, they want their man to be less than ideal. I think we're talking about two different things here: a relationship vs. attraction.

A woman will absolutely prefer a ripped guy to an average guy. They will want to fuck the ripped guy over the average guy.

But, when feelings are involved, the ripped guy doesn't necessarily have the advantage. Within the context of a relationship, a woman is looking for much more than just a physique. But, so are men. The point is that when you're picking a mate or a girlfriend/boyfriend then compromises are made. They may not have a perfect body but you still find it attractive because they have other characteristics that you put value on.

Physical appearance is just a small aspect of how people judge you. There are so many other things that are much more important. Having said that and coming from a guy that has transformed my body a lot over the years (first losing 100 lbs then adding about 30 lbs of muscle to my frame) I can tell you that people do absolutely treat you differently. No one likes a fat ass. That's just a fact of life.

Personally, as a man, I think that the important thing to remember about how you look is to manage the negatives. In other words, don't put yourself in a position where how you look will hurt you. If you have a six pack versus not having one doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. There are plenty of 9s and 10s with 'average guys' just as there are plenty of 9s and 10s with ripped guys. Whatever advantages being ripped brings is marginal and most likely a function of increased confidence.

The whole argument of whether your girlfriend would want their boyfriend to Brad Pitt's body from Fight Club is totally worthless. Every man on earth wishes their girlfriend looked like some other chick. That's just how things work. You enter relationships for more important things than how a chick looks and women do the same, probably to a much larger degree too. I remember dating a girl once and I wished her mouth was bigger because she would shred my cock while she blew me. But, did that stop me from staying with her? Nope, because she's more than just a mouth.

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