Priest: An Introduction & Public Apology to Grimm, Playercool, and pictureperfect

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Priest: An Introduction & Public Apology to Grimm, Playercool, and pictureperfect

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:16 am

**I meant to post this a week ago, but last week I got 5 hours sleep in 5 days. It's finals week and I hate my life right now. My apologies on the tardiness**

Hey guys,

I took my BC with Vector in 2006 and he remains one of my closest friends in the community.

I lost my virginity at the age of 17 and while I was in the Army I lived with the most beautiful girl for 6 months... so I've never really been the guy without social skills or zero Game. But after I got out of the Army and had entered my first year of college... my brother did something that would eventually change my life...

I was cleaning the kitchen while my brother sat on the couch reading a book that looked a lot like the Bible. About every 2 pages he would bust out laughing and when I asked what the deal was, he just responded with, "Girls are dumb!" I never finished reading The Game... I read like the first 60 pages or so until I got to the part where Style pulled a number at Office Depot from a Playmate. I googled her name, looked at the photo and then immediately googled Mystery. I never looked back.

I decided I wanted to do a BC with Sinn but tried to talk myself out of it on the condition that I would not go through with it unless Sinn taught a BC inside Texas. Two months and $3,000 later, I was in conference room at an Austin hotel. It's actually kind of strange to think about how our most life altering choices start out so benign.

At BC I met Vector.

My town is small so I wanted to cut my teeth around girls I would never see again. For the next year I traveled to Dallas once a month and Vector was always kind enough to take me in, introduce me to the Dallas scene and even allowed me to stay at his place no questions asked! For that I am forever grateful! If Vector ever needs a kidney... I'm there... no questions asked.

I have been fortunate enough in my experiences to call some of the coolest guys in the community - my friends.

I have always believed that the ultimate aspiration with any aspect or field of life - should be to give back. Teaching and Learning knowledge about whatever the fuck has always been a passion of mine. So after Sinn, Topo and CJ left TMM/LS I started teaching for the first time. I loved it! Currently I'm working as an Approach Coach for Sinns of Attraction.

My specialties in teaching are Inner Game, Natural Game/Traits, Sex, Female Psychology, "Amogs", Nutrition/Exercise, deprogramming/normalization. To talk to me, you would think I'm anti-community. I'm really not... I just view it differently than most. I think the community is a great place, filled with a lot of wonderful guys! I think the overall goal of the community lies in self improvement, not in manipulation or self-denial. I think in an effort to quantify everything about social interaction in a scientific manner, the community lost touch with reality somewhere along the way. I've seen what can happen when guys get too deep into this and lose what makes them unique and attractive. I don't like community terminology like "HBs" and "kiss close" and "timebridge" etc. Most of the guys I'm working with now have made this mistake in their training and it literally requires a deprogramming and return to center. It's hard to flow, adapt and act naturally if you are consumed with terminology and dogmatic schools of thought. Above all else I prize honest and natural expression of the human form.

While my path in this life goes beyond PU, it will always be a passion and a hobby for me to help guide guys on the right path and help provide them the options they seek in the world of dating. I am a very busy man but I will post here as much as possible and help however I can.

I look forward to meeting all of you eventually. Till then, All the best!



[b]**My Apologies to Grimm, Playercool, and Pictureperfect**[/b]


First let me just say that I have enjoyed meeting all of you!

I would like to publicly apologize for the events of last Saturday! I was not even supposed to be in Dallas that night and due to some fucked up, turn of events, I was alone, and in a city I had not planned on being in that night. I was drunk and in a VERY shitty mood!!! That is no excuse, but it's important to me that you guys know that I am not an asshole!


You never had a chance with me bro! Prior to our introduction a bunch of shit happened to me that night - completely unrelated to you or anyone there - and I was in asshole mode! It's weird because it is so out of character for me! I'm a happy, fun guy who avoids negative energy! I don't do drama and hate people who acted like I did towards you that night. I honestly don't even remember why we were pissed at each other! You sir have my utmost apologies and the next time I see you... Shots are on me! Regardless of my actions that night... I am HUGE fan of respect and I never meant to disrespect you, your friends, or your lair. I hope we can be men about this and put the trivial bullshit behind us and start over.


I was a drunken asshole to your friend. I'm sorry. I never meant to disrespect him or you. If some guy acted like that towards Vector I would have fucked him up on sight! Thank you for being a bigger man about it and putting up with my belligerent ass. It's important that you know A) I really, really like you a lot [in a hetero way ;)] and that B) that I am honestly never like that - ever! I'm seriously trying to remember if I've ever pulled shit like that before! It is very out of character for me! You have shown me nothing but kindness and I apologize if I put you in a weird spot or pissed you off by disrespecting your friend. Know that respect is a huge deal with me and that even if I was having a bad night, I should have handled myself better. I apologize. Hope to see you soon bro!


What up pimp?! I know we're cool... I just wanted to say that, you drove my drunk ass all the way to Plano and I don't think I ever even thanked you! If I did, I have no memory of it. But either way: Thank you for looking after me that night and for driving me back to my hotel. I appreciate the good looking out! Hope all is well.


Postby Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:49 am

Well Written

Priest when I first met you at Vector's Bday I thought you were cool as shit.

Yeah I was pissed over the whole Grimm thing but this makes me think highly of you again.

See you soon and welcome to this board.

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:40 am

Welcome aboard good to have another experienced hand on deck, especially someone with a different perspective -- always something to learn from those.

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:24 pm

priest...welcome to the boards!!

nice meeting you. you were wingin for me in that set with the two blondes ( i was the asian guy that walked out with you, pc and pp at sherlocks at the end of the night) and much thanks for the one-on-one coaching at the end of the night, hopefully i can learn some more from you if you ever come back to dallas...

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:55 pm


What an appropriate screenname!

What's up brother! Like I said, you have the potential to be deadly at this! There are entire schools devoted to Asian PU (ie APB) and I honestly don't believe you need any of that! You have a lot of great natural talent!

You're good looking, you are always smiling and goofing off, you have no social anxiety (at least none that I could see in my drunken stupor) and most of all, you lack that Asian guilt and self loathing that many Asians tend to inherit from their strict family upbringing! You are comfortable in your own skin and know how to display confidence! That puts you miles ahead of most guys that start out! I won't mention the Asian thing again because I don't want to you to focus or even think about a bullshit mental trap that you seem to be totally oblivious to! Just know that some guys suffer from some bullshit that you don't have to worry about! All these things put you miles ahead of you average guy starting out man! You just gotta know how to control that shit!

Remember, calm down! You are blessed with an ability to get out of control if you so choose and totally steal the spotlight away from anyone you choose - including me. But remember that too much of anything is either bad, boring/predictable, or annoying. In a high energy case such yours it's all 3. Open up. Chill. Learn to vibe and connect!

Try this: turn on your afterburners about every 10-15 minutes. Attraction comfort and qualification are cyclical... So you want to cycle through them... It's not linear! So what you were doing that night, do exactly that every 10-15 minutes to remind her of why she's attracted to you. The rest of the time you need to be matching their energy level, telling interesting stories, and really trying to connect with them!

I was really drunk so I'm sorry I don't remember any of your specifics. The only thing I can recall is the obstacle saying that you high five too much! That's bad! Remember she is a part of the set too and that it's not all high energy all the time!

Take some time out to experiment with different sets and different energy levels. No numbers no expectations... Just focus on the groups overall acceptance of your presence. Take detailed notes in between sets via a voice recorder on your phone. Remember, watch their energy level and stay just above it or right on it. Get that figured out and you'll do fine bro!

All the best



Postby Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:16 pm

What up man. Cool having you on board! I've heard of your name somewhere, but I forgot where. You do any day game?

Postby Guest » Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:07 am

Yes I do...

But know that Game is Game! You either got it or you don't. I learned this from GlennP when spent 2.5 days with him doing day game. You can say the same exact shit in Day Game as Night Game... Only difference is the speed at which you move, and subtle logistical things like where and how you stand, touching, and locking in/body language. Generally speaking - not always but generally - you don't lock in during day game.


Postby Guest » Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:59 am

No way man, we all do dumb things when we are drunk. I know i have. Don't worry about it. Catch you when i do.

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