Sleek's journey to job search

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Sleek's journey to job search

Postby Guest » Mon May 19, 2008 1:22 pm

ahoy fellow PUA mates!
After my graduation at UT Austin, I finally got to Dallas.
Although I am still waiting for companies to reply, I can't seem to feel comfortable.
I am also waiting for my citizenship. The government jobs require citizenships.
I wanted to use this opportunity to test and see the power of PUA network.
I was wondering if anybody knows anybody that is hiring recent college graduates etc.

If you know of any, e-mail me or send pm. Thanks!


Postby Guest » Mon May 19, 2008 4:37 pm

Should probably detail the field you are in...what you are looking for etc.

Postby Guest » Mon May 19, 2008 7:59 pm

ah crap! haha thanks smirks.

I am Economics major. I am looking for lots different fields such as advertising, communicating, promoting, marketing, anything related economics, sales, and others. The job is cool as long as it doesn't have health hazard or too specialized such as (mining for gold or some bs like that. or doctors/lawyer jobs... You really need specific major for that one.)

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