positive affirmations

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positive affirmations

Postby Guest » Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:57 am

I've heard from some highly succesful people within the community and outside of it that positve affirmations can be an effective tool in getting what you want. I happened to find some related to pickup and decided to listen to them for 30 days to see if there are many positive changes in my behavior or not. I would love for a few of you to participate with me and we will post our comments here.

Here are the links for anyone else that thinks this could be an amazing and life changing thing. I'd reccomend reading the readme, so you know wtf is going on. Also for updates and questions visit the source link at the bottom.

p.s. all credit for these goes to originator off of real social dynamics.



[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file contains lots of things discussed recently in the thread, most requests are included.

A very small list of the content:

Rejection is fun
Abundance of Chicks
Pleasure and Self Enjoyment
Alpha and Dominant Male/Dealing With AMOGS
Experience new and better image of yourself when you see a Mirror
Fun Exciting and Expanding Social Circle
Overall Sense of Well Being Is Through The Roof
I Am the Best Sex A Woman Will Ever Experience
Rise Above Daily Noise, Daily Irritations, Float Above Petty Stuff

There is much more stuff in this file. This is what I call a turbo charged version of The Platform. I started a collection of ideas over a week ago, and I read this recording in one pass top to bottom. I firmly believe this file will raise your overall state of happiness and contentment after a few weeks. Try it at night if you can handle it. I may post an Alpha version later that will be less disruptive of sleep patterns, but I included some suggestions on this one at the end that should help prevent brain fog like we experienced of some prior files. If you have used the Platform for at least 30 days, maybe switch out to this one for 30, drop in The Platform files once in a while. Remember, you should always do a refresher on all the stuff once in a while. If you drop the audio, your environment and old self talk will start battling for front row seats. YOU must control what are your predominant thoughts, especially at night when going to bed. Be in control of your thoughts prior to sleeping.

I hope we can get a lot of users on this file, I really think is is an exhaustive set of content that should make a big difference in your life after some time.

Personally, I am experiencing very very cool benefits from the other versions. The shift is subtle, not overnight. The effects are predictable, the stuff simply sinks in and becomes your core. It is radical to notice automatic core gut reactions that are different than how you previously have behaved. It is actually shocking to notice it, you think to yourself holy fuck, that is weird that I just acted like that when that is not the way I am (used to be).[/size]

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file is a basic overall positive vibe set of affirmations and statements to blast out any negative thoughts for days. I suggest using this file everyday before bed. It is OK to drift off to sleep with this, and you probably will fade in and out. The brainwave state this file creates is Theta, which is a sleep state, targeting the Hyper Suggestible state, the ultimate entry point into the Subconscious Mind.

**I call this entry point, a Portal. There are two automatic portals per day when you wake up and go to sleep. There can be many more Portals, should you make time for naps during the day. I highly recommend this practice of naps.[/size]

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This is an experimental session in Theta. You can use it prior to bed, in the morning, or any time during the day. This session is designed for past and future time travel. There is a section for replacing old negative memories with new happy endings. There is a section for anchoring a glorious moment in your past to some trigger, so that the state can be recreated in the future. There is a section for time traveling into the future. The idea is, that your Subconscious Mind will travel into your future into every situation, circumstance, every place that you will ever travel to. While there in the future, you will meet and establish rapport and thought connections with everyone in advance, so that in the real future, you will have a knowing and sense that you already have met the person you are finally encountering. There are many that say that this is entirely possible. The scientific probability os unimportant. If you Believe that you have already met, your real future interaction is altered, no matter if there is evidence to the contrary. Don't get bogged down in the possibility, that is missing the point.

This file also has numerous useful affirmations and statements, so use it even if you have no intentions or participating in the 3 sections discussed above.

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file is targeted at pick up. This is a Theta audio file, it can be used at night before bed, early in the morning when waking up, or any time during the day. It may affect your sleep patterns, as this file may replace the need for up to 4 hours of regular sleep. This sleep replacement may be perceived as insomnia, or not being able to sleep later. The reason for the perception is that it makes you need less sleep. This file should be used on a regular basis, even if rotating with The Platform. Use these on a night before going out.

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]higher awareness state. If you are having sleeping problems use this one instead before bed[/size]

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file is targeted at pick up. This is a Theta audio file, it can be used at night before bed, early in the morning when waking up, or any time during the day.

This files is a suggestion to your subconscious mind to mentally anticipate getting numbers everyday of the week, in addition to getting lays one day per week. It essentially programs an expectancy of getting numbers and lays as a naturally occurring thing.

Use this as often as possible, I suggest mornings though, as it will affect the conscious awareness as well to be prepared for daily spontaneous interactions.[/size]

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file is targeted at pickup, with an emphasis on the bigger picture of life. This is an Alpha audio file, and you will likely remain semi-aware through it. This file is designed as an afternoon nap, for mental refreshing and energizing the mind and body for a night out. This file is 30 minutes long, and requires headphones.
This file has a visualization section, and is useful for a positive self image. The idea is to expand the imagination, and to see beyond your current view. Think big, dream big.

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file is targeted at pick up. This is an Alpha audio file, and you will likely remain semi-aware through it. This file is designed as an afternoon nap, for mental refreshing and energizing the mind and body for a night out. This file is 30 minutes long, and requires headphones. Use these when you know yo are going out the same night.
[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]This file is not specifically dealing with pickup, it is aimed at the larger view of life. There is a visualization section to see your future relationships, family, children[if desired], home, neighborhood. The file is designed to create an overall contentment with your current life, it addresses letting go of past anger, including forgiving people in the past.

This is a Theta audio file, it can be used at night before bed, early in the morning when waking up, or any time during the day. It may affect your sleep patterns if used really late at night, as this file may replace the need for up to 4 hours of regular sleep. This sleep replacement may be perceived as insomnia, or not being able to sleep later. The reason for the perception is that it makes you need less sleep. Some are OK playing the files at bed time wile you drift off. [/size]

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]Theta. Speakers OK. Bring the party![/size]



read readme

[size=9:a5f1c50fd3]your subconcious attracts whatever vibe you send out into your life. I really like this one it's short and effective.



Postby Guest » Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:37 am

This is awesome stuff! This needs to be stickied!

Postby Guest » Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:43 pm

I'm down for the experiment.
It just sucks that it says not to listen when you drive cause i usually drive a lot during the week. But I guess they don't want you blaming them for falling asleep on the wheel.

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:04 am

bump. this is good stuff for sure.

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:15 pm

4 days into this. I got a head start on you guys, heh. On the second day I was in this crazy high state, and had a really amazing day that day. I've been noticing myself do alot of things I had to think about before and not thinking about them at all. My sleep has been a little off. Like I've been getting insomnia sometimes, but it doesn't matter because I feel great when I wake up. I noticed myself being extremely happy just about the way the soap smelled in the shower this morning. This stuff just may work... Guess we will see in a month.

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:34 pm

I'm having troubles with my CD burner but as soon as i get that fixed i'll be right behind you. I'm really curious about the results of this

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:40 pm

Been at it for 3 days. Magic pill several times, the platform once, and club rocker once. I'm noticing more confidence, and more of going out of my way to talk to all people, not just girls. If the things on the files become my core identity, then look out Dallas! I'm just saying :)

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:15 am

Napoleon Hill talks about the first guy to use positive affirmations in Think and Grow Rich (forgot his name ~); it was “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”. I usually write it 20ish times when I wake up and just before I go to sleep. I really haven’t been doing it that long and it is killer. I have a lot more energy and things that used to frustrate me consistently are totally off my radar.

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:00 am

I forgot to do these yesterday, and I just didn't feel as good today. I guess if they aren't totally habit and in your mind then the positive things you had fade pretty quickly.

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:20 am

It does recomend a 21 to 30 day "burn in period" and a refresher every now and then after that. It takes about 21 days for a habit to form, so I'm guessing that's how long it takes for the new thought patterns to take full effect.
That and change takes time too. If you could cure years of bad habits in a single night, for forever, lets just say you could name your price.

I'm 4 days in and noticing changes, more self control(which i have struggled with for years) more dominance and assertiveness, and a changed frame/state towards attractive girls. I'll be sure to write a full report at the 21 to 30 day mark.

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