Wingwoman Jewelz on "The Power of Branding Her"

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Wingwoman Jewelz on "The Power of Branding Her"

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:14 am

I was talking to my girl from Vegas, Jewelz, when I was reminded how awesome she is.


More specifically, her VERY insightful understanding of the confusing jungle that is the Night Life and most especially her deep, nonjudgmental perspective on men, women, and how we all go through the complex and sometimes confuddling ritual we laughably call the "Mating Dance."

Anyways, she told me this story about how she constantly gives advice to one of her guy friends. Long story short, her boy was confused about this out of town MILF and why she was persisting in chasing him. With some seriously amazing insight, she narrowed it down to ONE SPECIFIC ACTION he did that made this hot MILF continually throw herself on her to the point that she was MOLESTING HIM IN HIS SLEEP.

Hell, what wouldn't us guys give to consistently do that with the woman we wanted and most especially when the woman of our dreams walks through that door and we only have ONE SHOT and ONE SHOT only? That's why we're in the Game, gentlemen. To be more successful until the opportunity for us to win the woman we want without fear, nervousness, and ignorance. Knowing that there is NO such thing as "out of our league."

Anyways, this little, unconscious, unplanned maneuver said homey of Jewelz did was to BRAND the woman. That's right, BRAND her. Mark your territory like the alpha male you are, boys!

Seriously, I never TRULY thought giving a girl a HICKEY of all things was anything but a silly, high schoolish maneuver. More noteworthy for it's childishness and immaturity, but then she broke it down for me (and remember, she was NEVER exposed to the Community before this).

So Jewelz, in her sexy pixie voice says to me:

"Here's what it does:

1. It's dominant
2. It's sexual
4. It establishes a semi-permanent REMINDER of you
5. It establishes a feeling of CONNECTION with you
6. It creates both an EMOTIONAL and SEXUAL/PHYSICAL bond between you


In other words, to put it in "The ABCs of Attraction" terms, it's:

1. Both D-Game (Direct Interest) and E-Game (Escalate & Extract)
2. It's BLP in the way it creates an ANTI-COCKBLOCK SHIELD
3. It's also C-Game (Comfort & Connect)
4. It Social Proofs YOU
5. It also shows YOU are Pre-Selected by Women
6. It sexually AROUSES her

Of course, in all things, there are certain DISADVANTAGES. A few I can
think of at the top of my head are:

1. You have to be able to at LEAST escalate to D-Game by making out with her
2. She may be resistant to a hickey (or other branding) and thus accelerate both her ASD and LMR
3. You'll need to be in a quiet, private area to do it
4. It's a serious BT Spike and her circuit breaker might kick in and prevent you from going through with it
5. It's a little childish (both good and bad)
6. Takes some amount of balls

Having said that, HOWEVER, there other possible BRANDING MANEUVERS that you can do. Looking back, while I never really used the Hickey Maneuver past school, there were other things I did in a similar vein both naturally and later on.

So here's a list of BRANDING MANEUVERS:

1. The Hickey
2. Bite Marks
3. Scratch Marks
4. Bruising (within reason guys!)
5. Smeared Lipstick
6. Temporary Tattoos (sometimes available with random street vendors)
7. Magic Marker (write on her)
1. Name
2. Phone Number
3. Etc
8. Locking Her in with Props
1. Men's Jacket (makes it look like she has a boyfriend)
2. Hat
3. Bracelets
4. Necklaces (with your name)
5. Rings
6. Boa
7. Collar
8. Leash
9. Matching outfits (a little gay, but workable if done right)
10. T-Shirt w/ your name on it
11. Pants/Jeans/Shorts with your name on it
12. Etc
9. The list of possibilities is endless

Enjoy! And let her know what you guys think of Jewelz' revelation by commenting!

Postby Guest » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:05 pm

I have absolutely no idea why this page exists, but it may prove useful: [url][/url]

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