March: PRESENTATION by TRIUMVIRATE Friday 03/23/12
PRESENTATION by Triumvirate
Proper Preparation for Pulls and Pick-up
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.
-Alexander Graham Bell
If you have spent any time honing your social skills, you know that the greatest opportunities can be lost in the blink of an eye when you have failed to properly prepare.
A dead cell phone here. Not knowing where a late-night restaurant is there. A messy car here. Not having the right clothing there. We've all done it, but what can you do to avoid these mistakes?
For this month's presentation, I will go over the essential techniques and more importantly the essential mindset that it takes to properly prepare for the likely, unlikely, and hilarious situations that you will encounter. I will cover both short term and long term steps that is takes to reach your highest level of success. You will hear:
The "toolkit" that EVERY man should have in his vehicle at all times
The TRUE purpose of a day 2
as well as
How to properly set up your house for a female visitor
What you should be doing RIGHT NOW to make Summer of 2012 one for the history books
If you would like to stop repeating your miscues and blast past annoying sticking points, this is not a talk that you will want to miss. Hope to see you there.
~ Triumvirate
Afterwards, we'll sarge!
Before coming, please read the "Pua Fashion Tips & Secrets" thread:
We need some cool looking wingmen!
21+ welcome
Friday, March 23rd, 2012
7:00 - Dinner
8:00 - Presentation by Triumvirate
10:00 - In-Field practice/sarging
Private, reserved room located in the back of Spring Creek Barbeque
12835 Preston Rd.
Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX 75230
ph: (972) 726-9002
Make R.S.V.P. by posting confirmation in this thread.