comfort building

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comfort building

Postby zine » Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:07 am

I'm just getting back in to online game due to time constraints. One thing I am noticing is that the girls seem to be super flaky once I get them to text. Could this be due to generally just having lots of playful banter before getting a girls number, or do you think I should put more work into my text game?

I love calling girls because that always works out well for me, but I then have problems just getting them on the phone. Are phone calls too old fashioned these days? It scares me to think I'm 23 and something already doing stuff that's old fashioned haha.
There are 2 ways you can get an amazing woman. can become an amazing manipulator
2 you can become an amazing man

If you are not escalating then you aren't doing anything.

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