30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

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30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby Traxxus » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:16 am

So I'm turning 35 in a bit over a month, and over the past year or so since I have learned my game, I've pulled chicks as young as 20. I don't know if it's a mental thing or what, but lately, for some reason, I have been having a harder time pulling 20 something tail. I find myself out of touch with what is cool to these women. I've been targeting 25-30, and even the 25-27 year range is seeming a bit tough for me now days.

What do you more senior guys do to pull younger tail? What do you avoid, and what do you embrace. I know my mileage may vary, but I'd really like to know.

Some things to keep in mind about me. ~7.8 - 8 on Hot or Not, business man fashion stereotype, my game is based around building massive comfort after attraction.

I guess what I am starting to notice is that I am not getting the look and linger eye contact as much anymore. Anyone else encounter this?
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby Bull Run » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:48 am

It's hard to be able to really give you solid advice about what to do because everyone's game is different so you could be doing some things that would work for you but not for any one else and vice versa. Having said that, I think the issue is less of a problem with your age as much as it is an issue with your value.

This may sound counter-intuitive but over the last year or so that you've been able to nail down your game and improve with women you've raised your sexual market value (SMV). This is a natural by-product of game. Not only do you gain confidence and savvy but you probably also looked at other aspects of your life to make game easier for you to spit out i.e. working out more, eating better, finding new hobbies, improving your style, etc.

All of that work that you did served the purpose of helping you attract and seduce more women than you did before. In the process, you may have inadverently raised your SMV beyond that which is comfortable for a women that were originally your targets. In other words, you could have raised your value so high that it's intimidating for women. Especially younger women. An example from my life is how my physique has changed since I started in the community. As my arms/chest/etc have gotten more noticably larger women have grown more noticably intimidated by me when I would approach them (even if they do very often grab/touch my arms unconsciously...I've had to point it out several times).

So, I had to change the way I approached to make myself less intimidating. Also, it doesn't help that I dig small, petite women. When a guy that's 6ft, weighs 225, who clearly works out approaches a chick that's 5' to 5'4" weighing 110 - 120lbs in a loud bar and does so with a lot of confidence and promient body language it can be super, super intimidating for her. Shit, my ex would never fight with me face-to-face because she was scared I would get mad, lose my temper, and hit her (I never did or would do that...but even me raising my voice to her scared the shit out of her because she knew I could really hurt her if I chose to do so). She loved the extra muscles (she begged to work out with me so she could watch me because it turned her on) but they were also a source of angst. Even though women (almost universally, but not always) like the extra muscles, they still find it intimidating...because you're physically imposing but also because it raises your value so much: they feel safer, you look healthier, implies a good work ethic meaning you're willing to do what it takes to achieve goals, etc. I've heard the same dynamic from guys that are really, really physically attractive. Being confident and good looking gets you cast in the douche category more times that you'd think.

So, I think what you're really dealing with is a widening gap in your SMV. Almost every younger woman prefers to be with older men. Your wisdom, savvy, confidence, calm demeanor, material success, etc. is like catnip to women. But, all of that value can disqualify yourself to her. What would this guy ever want with me? I've picked up women that were geniunely surprised that I wanted to go out with them...they just thought I was in a different league than them. The cool, good girls are the ones that acknowledge their SMV in a realistic way. They know what is and what is not feasible for them to attract and keep. Sometimes, too much value can be a hinderance. A lot of my past LTRs were this way. The girl always just had this underlying angst that she was playing out of her league (this can be a super effective compliance technique in an LTR but can be counter-productive during the seduction phase). Think Adrian from Rocky. She was, initially, shocked that Rocky was interested in her.

On the flip side, some women simply have hard and fast rules about how much older they're willing to go. It's not rational and it doesn't make an ounce of sense but that's what they do. Some girls just won't date a guy that's x number of years older than them. I'm not sure there's a lot you can do to change that dynamic. Just like some girls won't date outside their race, date a younger guy, etc.

If it is the SMV then you need to do one of two things: learn how to hide or diffuse some of your value, there's no need to DHV when the gap between your SMV and her perceived SMV is large (part of this is no longer negging her as much or as harshly) OR raise your standards OR lie about your age.
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby ninjamatt » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:36 pm

I have encountered that a little bit. I am 32. I don't get the same looks by 20 year old's as I did when I was 25 especially if it's a bar or club with a lot of early 20s guys. I don't think you should be concerned with being cool or hip or altering your game to suite the average 20 year old anyway unless you are reeaall good. Most women do not discover who they are, what they want in life, and where they are going until they are about 25. But the mid to late 20's women love 30s guys if they have enough game. A lot of 25+ year old's learn that guys mature, get more sophisticated, etc, in their 30's and will target that age group. 25 to 30 for me is a great age. I can get an idea for where she is probably gonna be in 10 years mentally, emotionally, financially, and with her figure. Its hard with a 20 year old and they are typically immature in too many areas. Also, the older women are, the quicker they give it up if you are looking for something quick. I'm not really sure what your goals are.

I have a buddy that's very average looking, dresses good, wears cheap jewelry and is 39. He's got a lot of personality though. He had a 21 year old hottie girl friend this past summer for like 2 months before she dumped him. He met her in a bar, by himself one night by blowing her off and talking to some fat girl first. It can be done, but that age range is not a high percentage play for us in our 30s
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby Tribulus1000 » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:36 am

Traxxus wrote:So I'm turning 35 in a bit over a month, and over the past year or so since I have learned my game, I've pulled chicks as young as 20. I don't know if it's a mental thing or what, but lately, for some reason, I have been having a harder time pulling 20 something tail. I find myself out of touch with what is cool to these women. I've been targeting 25-30, and even the 25-27 year range is seeming a bit tough for me now days.

What do you more senior guys do to pull younger tail? What do you avoid, and what do you embrace. I know my mileage may vary, but I'd really like to know.

Some things to keep in mind about me. ~7.8 - 8 on Hot or Not, business man fashion stereotype, my game is based around building massive comfort after attraction.

I guess what I am starting to notice is that I am not getting the look and linger eye contact as much anymore. Anyone else encounter this?

I am engaged to be married to a very mature 25 year old Filipina who I must say is really hot. Sorry for bragging on her but she's so sweet and cool. We get along wonderfully.

Its also hard to generalize for this kind of thing.

A few months ago, in the summer, I met a chubby 20 year old blonde girl off a direct approach at Target right by my house. I ended up f-closing her but the thing about her was she was really up'ity and just talked about herself and put other people down.
She had gone to George Washington University and her parents were both Doctors. So she had the whole entitlement thing down. She was racist as hell too. We would sometimes talk and she would say other people were stupid and referred to them as "Idiocracy" which was a movie that came out in the 90's about a guy who gets frozen and woken up in a future time period where only the stupid people have bred.
The entire landscape is full of these idiots. Very strange movie. I saw bits a pieces on tv. Skip it.

Man wild tangent there... sorry.

It might have to do with how they are raised or if they grow up hard or easy. My girlfriend grew up poor and was on the outs with her parents. So she's really mature. This other girl I saw for a while was a total ditz who thought she was smart and everyone else was stupid.

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby continuum » Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:58 am

Im on the wrong side of 30 too.

It sounds like an internal thing from what you said. IE you said you are "out of touch with what is cool" to these women.

A 25 year old doesn't want a cool 35 year old. She wants a mature one. One that is going to smoothly take her away and bend her over. I choose my venue and my clothing to highlight my assets as a man. The other 20 year old boys aint got much on that.

Pick your angle in the market I say.
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby dottywine » Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:26 pm

You do not have to try to compete with the younger guys. That's not what makes younger women like an older man.

Maybe consider what you have changed in yourself that you cannot get the younger women anymore. What changed? What are you doing differently?

I'm just saying that it is still possible for you to get a 20 year old.
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby herobleu » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:03 am

Are you starting to speak too much 30-something lingo?

While its true girls like older men, you have to go slow. Speak in their lingo and slowly shift to yours, this way they will feel more comfortable. :)
Not sure whether you have been using this already, but this is just one of my methods to game chicks with a totally different vibe :D
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Re: 30 somethings and gaming 20 somethings.

Postby Bazinga » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:53 pm

I'm 34 and have been going after the golden cohort continuously since age 20.

To the original poster: your implicit assumption is that somehow there is "something wrong" with a 30-something going after 20-somethings. That is modern feminist brainwashing. As a matter of fact, most anthropologists will tell you that before the 20th century, most couples all across the globe were 10 years apart. That is, females were choosing males about 10 year older than them. This has probably been the case for millennia.

But people can be unduly influenced (heck, even by TV), so today the PC theme is to have the girl dating a slightly older boy (no more than 4 or 5 years apart). Just like it possible to override your DNA programming for meat preference by going vegetarian, women can consciously choose similar aged men overriding their primal preference for older males. Your job is to help her discover what's already inside of her... her innate preference for men 10 years older!

40 year old men will go after the golden cohort, 50 year old men, 60, 70... it doesn't matter. Silvio Berlusconi (age 75) got caught with a 18-year old italian hottie. And that's just one case we know of -- I'm sure it happens a whole lot more than we can imagine, we just don't hear about it.

Another piece of evidence that all men are going after 20 somethings is that single women over 30 complain non-stop that they can't find eligible men. The men are there, they're just not touching anything past 30. Guess what they are touching instead? Haha!
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