Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Open PUA discussion

Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Dragon » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:51 pm


Dr Laura - This sense of entitlement comes from a culture that has elevated feelings over obligation, responsibility, and commitment. “I have a right to be happy, don’t I” is not an infrequent comment from callers frustrated that their marriages haven’t put them in a perpetual valium –drip state. And this focus on happiness helps them to rationalize their virtual abandonment of marriage and family, replacing it with hobbies, drugs and alcohol, work, affairs, whining in therapy or with friends and family, or hostility directed at those who love them. This is not a minor issue. This is the point I bring to the attention of many women callers who, with unrealistic demands and outrageously negative behaviors, determine that the solution to the problems in their home is divorce. They are wrong if they think a new pair of pants will change their lives – because the same skirt will be in the room! (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 4-5) "
Dr Laura - "As a radio talk- show host/psychotherapist, I’ve got to tell you how remarkably true and sad it is that so many women struggle to hold on to some jerk, keep giving an abusive or Philandering man yet another chance, have unprotected sex with some guy while barely knowing his last name, agree to shack up and risk making babies with some opportunist or loser, all in a pathetic version of a pursuit for love, but will resent the hell out of treating a decent, hardworking, caring husband with the thoughtfulness, attention, respect, and affection he needs to be content. It boggles my mind. What further puts me in boggle overdrive is how seemingly oblivious and insensitive many women are to how destructive they are being to their men and consequently to their marriages. Women will call me to ask if its alright to go off on extended vacations “without him” when they want freedom or R&R, or if its ok to cut him off from sex because they’re annoyed about something or just too tired from their busy day, or if they really have to make him a dinner when he gets home from work because its just too tedious to plan meals." (Doctor Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg xiv)
Dr Laura - "Think about it for even one minute: How many women’s magazines talk about women’s obligations to their men and children? Not many. The typical article is about deserving freedom. These days, so many young women are products of divorces or never created homes, were neglected by career mothers, were indoctrinated by the anti-family feminists throughout their schooling, and are surrounded by a culture that glorifies selfish gratification over sacrifice, it’s no wonder so many women are “surprised” to not only hear of their obligations to husbands and children, but are also amazed at the gratification derived from doing so. (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 32)"
Dr Laura - Pop psyche and women’s magazines generally recommend that when a woman is “fed up” with her life, it’s time for spas, solo vacations, more girlfriend time, plastic surgery, affairs, or divorce. This is all in search for “getting one’s own needs met.” (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 162)
Dr Laura - This grandiose self-centeredness about the value of women, paired with a virtual disdain for men, leads women to treat men badly. Too many women look at men with a sense of entitlement versus an opportunity for selflessness. Why? All of those forces taken together have given women a false sense of superiority (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 54)
Lori Gottlieb - "unfortunately a lot of women grew up thinking the 'we can have it all' mentality of feminism." The way she sees it, this version of feminism has hurt women by inflating their egos and giving them a false sense of what they deserve. "Part of it comes from the media and the movies. Everything we see is always women telling each other how fabulous they are and that they deserve the best. (AKA: entitlement complexes) It happens in real life, too. Your friend will say, 'Don't you think I can do better?' and we say, 'You go, girl; go for the best!' even though we know maybe this guy is the best she can get." And, she adds, neither are we honest with ourselves: "We think, 'Oh, I'm so unique and special' and in our romantic fantasies we think that some guy is going to see us for how uniquely special we are, when most of us are pretty ordinary." http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/ ... s-marriage
Lori Gottlieb - We grew up thinking that marriage meant feeling some kind of divine spark, and so we walked away from uninspiring relationships that might have made us happy in the context of a family. Our culture tells us to keep our eyes on the prize (while our mothers, who know better, tell us not to be so picky), and the theme of holding out for true love (whatever that is—look at the divorce rate) permeates our collective mentality.”http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/03/marry-him/6651/
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Tribulus1000 » Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:04 pm

Nice. In fact, a friend of mine often quotes Dr. Laura. I personally have never read anything by that woman but I appreciate the quotes from people like yourself.
She kinda gives it to the women, which I kinda find ironic and funny.

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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Bull Run » Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:23 pm

Dr. Laura is a true feminist in that she attempts to teach women to be the protector of their feminine beauty instead of exploiting it for short-term, materialistic, and/or political gain.
The difference is indifference.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Dragon » Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:23 am


What I have notice in a few POF profile... there are some women that haven't brought into the "Entitlement Complex". Those are the Thankful, Appreciative and Respectful ladies that will help, partner propel a LTR. I have to say these are true Christian ladies with strong values outside of the material world or they have learned and realized how destructive they were in past relationships.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Traxxus » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:36 pm

My two cents.... It's an old hack..We've all heard it... "Just be yourself"

The fundamental issue here is that alot of men have a "true self" that sucks balls. They stay at home playing WoW all night long. They have nothing to live for, nothing that fires them. They aren't really men. They are boys in adult bodies.

Just be yourself is fine in you are a guy of value and interest. Just be yourself sucks if your a WoW nerd living in his parents basement.

If your running through all the "Game" stuff from Style, Mystery, RJ, or Gambler, then your learning about marketing yourself. This is great, because it does have value. However, knowing marketing doesn't make you valuable, having traits of value makes you valuable.

For example, I can take Adam Sandler's Piece of Shit Car and slap a $50K price tag on it, put a glitzy multimillion dollar marketing package around it. Advertise it on Every TV channel and radio channel available. But at the end of the day, it's still just a Piece of Shit car. If you do the same thing with a Cadallac Escalade and you will sell cars because it's got value.

So will all PUA Thories fail? No they won't. The men that use those theories while having a shitty product will fail. The men who use those theories and have value will succeed.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby CasperKid » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:46 pm

Dude, this thread annoys me.

PUA Theories are based on the psychology of women, not just Western women. Read The Game, and you will see the amount of pussy that Neil and Mystery get AROUND THE WORLD. And that's a simple book.

Furthermore, PUA is an international phenomenon.

In my opinion, the reason why many PUA Theories fail for a specific person is because not everyone wants to dress flashy as fuck and use negs like Mystery. So, trying to use his method will fail because WE ARE NOT HIM. We do not share his worldviews and opinions on women. To try and use his material, will work if we script it and just say it verbatim, but ultimately that's taking a model that works and substituting it for your own personality.

I am 20 and I'm in college. If I try to use nightclub game here people will think I'm fucking insane. If I even try to game that hard then I will get called out and people will think I'm weird. The difference is not only who I am as a person, and individual, but where I am and how I present myself.

The reason why there are so many different PUA theories is because there are so many different PUAs. Everyone has their own style and their own philosophies. Speaking of philosophies, think of all the logical argumentation that people have had over the centuries. Everyone is right to some degree, but they are also completely wrong when looked at from another perspective. It's the same with PUA philosophy. If you are Mystery and you run Mystery Method, you will attract all the 10s you want. If you are Juggler and you use Juggler Method, you will get your girls.

Because YOU are YOU. You need to develop your OWN METHOD and your OWN THEORIES that apply to you. Your PUA Theories will WORK FOR YOU because they will be based on success and your real life experience.

But if this belief gets you to stop reading all the PUA material on the web, out of your house, and chatting up hot girls, then I will fully support everything you say.

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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Bull Run » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:53 am

CasperKid wrote:Dude, this thread annoys me.

Because YOU are YOU. You need to develop your OWN METHOD and your OWN THEORIES that apply to you. Your PUA Theories will WORK FOR YOU because they will be based on success and your real life experience.

But if this belief gets you to stop reading all the PUA material on the web, out of your house, and chatting up hot girls, then I will fully support everything you say.

Did you actually READ the previous posts? The entire point is that the theory alone will fail you unless you learn how to develop your own style (through experience and hard work) AND you have to back up the Game you spit out with substance.

I will forever state that Game is absolutely required in the West to regularly pull hot pussy. If you take Game and go overseas then you'll just be more successful with less effort. Think of American women as being HB10s and those overseas as being HB5s. One requires tight Game, one barely requires any Game. But, having Game is beneficial to seduce both.

No one is shitting on Game or saying that it doesn't have it's place. It is a requirement. I think about when I first stumbled onto Game and how counter-intuitive most of it was to me (even if I already did a lot of the things naturally in Game because I'm innately an asshole to women) but I had FAITH in everything I read. I truly believed that these techinques and tactics would work. So, I went out and started using them. I had to believe in something bigger than me in order to become successful at this shit. Sometimes people deserve to have their Faith rewarded and on this occassion Game fulfilled its promise.

I really believe that that's the power of Game. It gives you a roadmap and something to believe in. Eventually, by spitting out whatever theory you follow you learn more about who you are and you develop your own Game. I think that was the original point. Using someone else's Game will always fail you. That's why you have to get off your ass and run it for yourself so you can develop your Game.

The point is basically to stop reading and learning and just start chatting up some chicks.
The difference is indifference.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby jsonDeRulo » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:31 pm

Bull Run wrote:Never thought I'd be saying this but I agree with Trib here.

I had to laugh when I read that.

Bull Run wrote:The point is basically to stop reading and learning and just start chatting up some chicks.

Well exactly.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby CasperKid » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:07 pm

I agree with everything you said, Bull Run.

Well put.

The same gradual shift of my worldview happened when I stumbled onto game as well. It's a tough battle to fight when most of Game promotes counter-cultural behaviors. You see the mass populous of men doing the same thing and then this material tells you all of that is wrong! It's a smack in the face honestly. Women have been putting up with it.

I remember one time as a social experiment I put a picture of my hot friend on craig's list and posted an ad for female looking for male for the weekend. I made the parameters really broad and within 3 hours, I got 72 messages from different guys. ALL of them directly or indirectly mentioned sex. It's crazy how bad the quality of Game really is for most of the men and how convincing it might seem to people looking for role models because literally 90% of guys make the same mistakes!

Go out and figure out what works!

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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Khaos » Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:46 pm

PUA tends to back fire due to value. Routines inject value into social interactions, A lot of people(PUAs) that ive gone into clubs with the exception of Prodigy and Smirks from Dallas lair have been low value including Adam Lyons who trained me. Basically what I am getting at is with routines that people read in books and use are vastly incongruent with who they are and that is the reason why PUA backfires. For a lack of better words PUA teaches you to be glib, You will never be able to keep women in your life doing PU.
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