Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

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Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Tribulus1000 » Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:29 am

Do you ever wonder why seeminly brilliant ideas and Pickup Models by guys like Mystery, Tyler, Ross Jeffries and even some local heroes fail miserably?

Why is it that they have such glowing field and lay reports while no one can successfully reproduce their results?
Why does one guy succeed and another fail?
Do you need to change? Become more social? More of an asshole? Ask more questions or qualify your prospects?

The answer is no.

You are fine the way you are and the Pickup Models are FAILURES.

Why do I say this?

Because there is one idea or counter-argument trumps their theories. There is something that is so obvious once you understand it that it literally makes such theories a waste of time.
What is it?

I'm gonna tell you but why don't we start with an analogy...

In the Kingdom of Fish, there is no greater than the shark. The shark is the master of the ocean. Millions of years of evolution have forged its powerful jaws, teeth which are replaced constantly, fins that can swim fast, a sense of smell that detects blood in water very efficiently.
The shark is the master of its dominion.

Unless you're a whale or too small for the shark to eat, you are hunted by it.

There is a predator - prey evolution and arms race that goes back and forth. The prey develop defenses such as poison, and the predators like the shark develop defenses/immunity to these.

And all of this takes place over millions of years.........IN THE OCEAN!

And that's the most important factor of all. Once on dry land or caught in a fisherman's net, the shark - king of the sea, has no defenses.
He can't breathe in air. He ca't swim. He's useless.

So without futher ado.....The reason ALL PUA theories will fail is that they are based on the dating envirornment of the United States and the West.

Once outside of the English Speaking world (the 'Anglosphere'), these theories become useless. If one travels to Russian, the Philippines or Hong Kong, the girls are sweeter, more open, more femanine and sexual. They are friendly and they are not stuck up or narcissistic.

And so once you have this knowledge you see that the Pickup theories are based in a toxic American dating environment where its a total sellers market and the society itself is the determining factor in one's love life.

Pickup is a failure because it is totally myopic. It fails to see that we in the U.S. are just one country among many. And in may of the other countries, the dating scene favors men instead of women.
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby pandoraboxfacts » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:45 pm

That's why you should apply some theory towards the woman you picked. 8)
Perfect PUA guide at Vin DiCarlo Pandora's Box Factshttp://www.pandoraboxfacts.com
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby ninjamatt » Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:13 pm

There's no perfect science too it. All great Pua's and/or their theories will fail. And all will succeed. Hell you can go up to every woman you wanna have sex with and say " will you have sex with me" and it won't take long til you find one who will think it's funny and wants to talk.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby MasterKrafft » Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:00 pm

I think your missing the big picture of what PUA material is all about. Its about creating your own reality and then knowing the mechanics of how to create your own reality so if something goes wrong you will have an idea of where and how it happened. It just so happens that most men are really interested in women and have a hard time maintaining there focus because women are so darn distracting:) so that is why the material has been focused on women/sex its a hot topic. I can assure you though it in fact has nothing to do with women and everything to do with you.

I would be willing to bet you have hit a sticking point or even failed at some stage of your game and now you are looking for someone or something to blame, when in reality its probably a blind-spot of sorts. But guess what? This means great things, you are growing and feeling some discomfort and your not quite through it yet. Stick with it you will like whats on the other side.

Take a look and tell me what you see, if you can't find anything ask those closest to you whats there.

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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Tribulus1000 » Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:50 am

MasterKrafft wrote:I think your missing the big picture of what PUA material is all about. Its about creating your own reality and then knowing the mechanics of how to create your own reality so if something goes wrong you will have an idea of where and how it happened.

Cool Story Bro. How's that working for ya?

MasterKrafft wrote: It just so happens that most men are really interested in women and have a hard time maintaining there focus because women are so darn distracting:) so that is why the material has been focused on women/sex its a hot topic.

I always figured the material was there to help us get laid. Am I wrong here? Somebody support me on this one....
I mean if doing xyz would get me more pussy, I would do it.

Its not because women are distracting. Dude, you do realize how odd that sounds, right?

MasterKrafft wrote: I can assure you though it in fact has nothing to do with women and everything to do with you.

Sure. It has NOTHING to do with her and EVERTHING to do with me.

This is the problem with Guys like you and the community at large. You don't give women even the SLIGHTEST bit of resposibility or personality. You think every one of them is like a robot on some kind of mission to find the most alpha guy out there and bear his children.

You think girls are like some kind of lock that you have to pick to get inside. Don't you?

So how much of the way people act is attributable to their egos? And women don't have an ego? You'd be pretty damned stupid if you don't see that women have rather large egos.
All us Human Beings have egos.

All this PUA garbage material about social biology and evolutionary genetics (Selfish Gene, etc.) and not one mention of the Ego?

MasterKrafft wrote:I would be willing to bet you have hit a sticking point or even failed at some stage of your game and now you are looking for someone or something to blame, when in reality its probably a blind-spot of sorts.

I'd be willing to bet that you're a newb who thinks he knows it all.

By the way, I have to point this out...

I went to the Philippines and found a girl (had sex with her thank you very much) and we're engaged to be married. So maybe its the women here in America afterall, eh MasterKrafft???

MasterKrafft wrote: But guess what? This means great things, you are growing and feeling some discomfort and your not quite through it yet. Stick with it you will like whats on the other side.

discomfort? not quite through it yet? other side?

What are you talking about? I'm successful. I don't need this stuff anymore. The only reason I even come on this board is to post stuff like this where I tear down some of the PUA bullshit.
Oh yeah, I occasionally go out and sarge - but only daygame.

The only reason I still even go out and sarge is that I want a challenge and I'd like to see if a certain method could actually work, just out of curiousity. Other than that, I am waiting for my fiance to come here to America.

MasterKrafft wrote:Take a look and tell me what you see, if you can't find anything ask those closest to you whats there.

You seem to be rather vague my friend. Your sentences and ideas seem to run like cliches.
"Look inside and tell me what you see." What are you a hypnotist? What the fuck is this shit?

I can tell you I'm far better now than in years past.

And everyone who has read this post has missed the point entirely.

The point of this post is to point out that all the theories on Game/Sarging/Daygame/Nightgame are all based in a UNITED STATES or WESTERN MODEL.

Its like looking into a fish bowl and the fish only see the water so to them the water is their reality.
But the people outside the fish bowl can see inside the fish bowl and beyond it.

And that's what I was trying to say here.

Bottom line:
Girls in other countries do not act like girls in this country.

Don't believe me? Take me up on the following challenge...

1. Go to an online dating site like match.com, plentyoffish.com, okcupid.com or any of them based here in the U.S. Take a few months and try to "Game" the women on these sites.
2. Go to an international site like International Cupid.com, Filipinocupid.com, cherryblossoms.com or anastasia.com, etc.
Each country is different but for the sake of discussion, pick one.
Game the girls on the international site.
3. Note the difference between 1 and 2.
4. With months of internet game, you should have some skill to get girls off the net - at least the international ones.
5. Go to the country and see how easy getting laid there is versus here in the U.S.

This works far better than any PUA Method or lines I have ever done. And that's saying something.

That was the point I was trying to make. The reason that they all fail is that they fail to take into consideration that there is a world out there with people and different cultures. Places where women were not raised the same way. The women in other countries actually have good values and are out to please their man and are not bitchy or stuck up.
Look the reason Game was invented is because of resistance. If there were no resistance, there would be no Game.
Do you ever hear about PUA's from Tailand or the Philippines? Russia? No beause they don't need that shit.
Think about it.
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Bull Run » Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:15 pm

Never thought I'd be saying this but I agree with Trib here.

I've been in the Community for a long time and have gone through so many different phases that all PUAs go through. I've been widly naive, held a holier than thou mentality (because I know Game and am enlightened), I've been weird as fuck with my dress and how I carried myself, I've been caught up in the idea that pulling pussy is all that matters, etc.

Today, I'm a lot more normal and sane. A lot of the shit that's done in the Community is just straight up weird and a lot of the players are exactly the same way. This is especially true in the world of "gurus." Odd guys, that think they're socially savvy, dressing oddly, sporting weird haircuts and other clothing, running around hitting on every woman they see. Do they get numbers and close women? Do they get laid? Absolutely they do. But, it's hard NOT to get laid when you approach TONS of women on a regular basis sporting a lot of irrational confidence.

Game is so simple it's scary. Indifference, irrational confidence (or justified confidence, which is what I prefer), aggressiveness, and a firm grasp of who you are as a man AND what that means in your life and for what you want. That's pretty much all it takes. The idea of alpha and beta is well played out in the Community, but it's very much a real dynamic. The issue is that people define alpha and beta differently, just as they define physical attraction differently. There really aren't any hard and fast rules for what is or isn't alpha. Other than be stronger than her...which doesn't always work, because sometimes being alpha means doing things that are beta.

Game is the answer to the feminist movement in the West. As women grabbed for more power and influence and equality (and as men willingly gave those things away) they gave up the idea of traditional male-female dynamics. Being a good man, with a good job, eager to start and raise a family was no longer enough because women could have their own good jobs and be single moms without any repercussion from society...in fact the opposite because in many ways those things have been encouraged and subsidized by society at large. So, if being a good provider no longer mattered then what would women be attracted to in men?

This is where Game kicked in...it's the answer to the feminist movement. It's what levels the playing field. Women don't want the safe bet any longer, instead they want the man that doesn't treat them like goddesse. The man that's fun and exciting. The man that makes them feel. Rational decision is no longer a part of things any longer.

In other parts of the world that have not been infected with the feminist movement you'll find a dynamic very similar to that of which Trib is speaking. Women WANT to care for and love a man and know that in doing so he's going to provide her with a safe environment, direction, protection, etc. In those parts of the world, marriage is a trade where both parties are getting access to things that they do not currently possess. If women in the West have access to good jobs and thus a good living, then what do they really need from men? Sex? Easy, go to a bar any night of the week. Love? Ehh, they'll find that with any average man at the grocery store. A family? Men aren't required and are typically villified by the state for having a twig and berries. We are easily replaced by the State ( don't believe me then just look at inner city blacks). So, what's left? Excitement. Fun. A vacation from their boring lives. Someone to pine for, to win over.

It's ironic to me. The roles have been reversed in many ways. Sure men still approach. Men still initiate conversation. But, the chase stops much earlier for us than it did in the past. Once a woman realizes that you're a worthy man, she'll chase after and pine over you for an insanely long period of time...sometimes forever. She will throw herself at you and will become consumed by doing whatever is necessary to get your love and attention. In a world where women are getting their way more than ever before, what is it that they really want? What are they not getting? The love of the unavailable man. That's the whole point of Game. To learn to emulate being the aloof, confident, alpha male that understands the real value of pussy and acts accordingly.
The difference is indifference.
Bull Run
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby studeyp » Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:51 pm

Bull Run - well said. Looking forward to reading more posts from you.
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Tribulus1000 » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:59 pm

Yeah I agree with BR here.

The guy who can back it up is the sexiest to women. What I mean is women are tired of the same old douche bag guys who are out every night at the bar saying the same old lines like they just read them out of Neil's book.
What they want is something REAL.
And to do that, you gotta back it up. I mean alot of women talk of men who simply talk a good game. They hear all the DHV stories and think "if it were only true."
Butt they know its bull. Its just some chump with a good story or some guy who barely even holds their attention because he's dressed like a dork and isn't worth their time.
Nah they want the real thing. And that's what separates the guys who get laid from those that make up a good dhv story.
Truth, honesty, sincerity. Its almost scary how effective these things have become in recent years. Its hard to know how many suckers I've slain just by telling girls the truth.
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Bull Run » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:58 am

Definitely Trib.

Game has a way of teaching guys how to fake being a fun, interesting, man of value and depth. I refer to these men as Marlboro Men. Guys with clever marketing selling a shitty product. Sure, you may be addicted to them for a bit but eventually that shit wears off and all that's left is the side effects of a product that does nothing but slowly destroy you. I've been that guy in the past. Churning through woman after woman, leaving a swathe of destruction in my path, never really getting to know the woman I was seducing AND her not really ever knowing me either. She loved, lusted after, and fucked an image of a man...the fancy packaging. And, that's fine. If that's what you want, then go right ahead and sport your pink and blue highlighted 6" mohawk, wear sunglasses indoors, rock out with more jewelry than a princess on her wedding day...fuck, be the male version of Lady Gaga.

Combine all of that intrigue, implied confidence (because if you can handle the scrutiny that dressing like a piece of modern art brings, then you've clearly got some balls), with a few clever lines and some fun gambits. Yeah, do all of that and you'll get pussy. And, you'll get pussy in waves. Shit, Mystery pioneered that type of Game AND it worked for him. I'm not saying that he's not a cool cat, because he seems like a good guy if you chat with him in person for a few minutes. But, you can't help but walk away thinking to yourself "is that all?" Greatest PUA in the world and this is it...hmmm...

The fact is that Game does work. And, the best part about it is that it is slowly moving back into the shadows. It's becoming an underground thing again. It has lost it's popularity and is fading into the background where it belongs. That will serve us well in the future as it will make us even more rare and valuable and unique and thus more appealling to women. We are the victors because we know of this world and in the battle of the sexes, as with all battles, to the victor goes the spoils of war.

But, superficial Game and REAL Game are two different things. If you want to attract and seduce a woman in today's society, then Game is required. Outside of being a natural, there simply is no substitute. But, attraction and seduction are just the tip of the iceberg. Getting laid by a beautiful woman is one of the greatest things our world has to offer. But, getting laid by a beautiful woman that is insanely in love with you is a drug that can never be replaced. It is as close to heaven on earth as there is. Period. That should be the real goal of Game. And, it requires more than the tactics and techniques that we read and talk about on a regular basis. Those are a pre-requisite in the West. They are required. But, there must be more to you. You have to be able to prove that you are as high value as you appear in order for her to ever really care for you the way she desperately wants...she'll never show you her true feminine beauty if you can't back up your packaging with an awesome product.

Learning the approach, the theory, the tactics, the gambits, the routines...all of that shit is the easy part. The hard part is to learn how to back it all up with substance. That's the real work in Game. That's the entire point of learning all of the 'bar tricks.' All it does is get you an audition, a try out (same goes with her as well because you may decide not to choose her). The only real way to learn how to do that is to get out there and experience the life of pick-up. The rejections, the flakes, the SNLs, the hearbreaks from failed LTRs, the pain of breaking another's heart, etc. Eventually, the theory will fail if you can't back it up. But, the theory is required and needed. There simply is no other way to diffuse the destructive dynamics of feminism on women in the West.

It starts with Game but it ends with you learning who you are and what that means.
The difference is indifference.
Bull Run
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Re: Why ALL PUA Theories will fail

Postby Muk » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:20 pm

Just want to give a little advice
If you want to marry a foreign girl
Absolute power corrupts, annd the feminism and their laws gives her exactly that
There a provisions in VAWA that gives her all kinds of benefits, including a green card just for accusing you of domestic violence
No proof, no evidence, nothing is needed. Just her word
Feminism is like a disease
If you bring her here, she'll get infected
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