verbal sexual escalation?

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verbal sexual escalation?

Postby Khaos » Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:35 am

whats the best way to sexually escalate during conversation to get girls to become sexually interested in you?
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Re: verbal sexual escalation?

Postby Justice » Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:42 pm

The majority of sexual escalation has nothing to do with actually verbally communicating it. However there are exceptions which I will also address. Kino, push-pull, and disqualifying yourself/herself or yourself, which you start from Attraction are the 3 staples in sexual escalation.

There are examples everywhere, in books on you tube but I'll give a few:

Find excuses to touch her and use touching as compliance tests. When you play with her bracelet or you touch her leg does she let you? Do it naturally and playfully, not like you are getting off on rubbing her leg. Put your arm around her like your little sister while telling her a story.

Push pull:
Have her put your hand in your arm. Then say good, but that's all you get! Take her hand like you are looking at it or her jewerly and then playfully toss it away. If she touches you, tell her that you just met or that will be $5.

Look how cute you look. Too bad you're not my type.
You are adorable. I'd be way too toxic for you though.
If only you were a brunette, I'd totally be into you.

There are always exceptions primarily
1.Being playful while doing it and
2.Embedding sexual dialog and commands in retelling a story a friend told you.

There are great stories of guys talking to girls and blatantly telling them they are going to go with them but in a playful manner, the girl refusing 10 times and then finally going home with them. The overall theme is that if you are going to be direct sexually, you need to be playful about it, and when they say no, just stack forward and take no as "not yet", not "no, go away" and escalate at a later time. Because you control your frame and don't get upset or reactive to a rejection, they will be more comfortable when you escalate again because they will see that it is okay for them to say no and that you will be okay with it and simply try again at a later date. The second you become needy or reactive you are done.

Also, Ross Jeffreys explains how to tell a sexual story but as if your friend told you, so you are embedding sexual dialog and commands but from a third hand source allowing you to say things you couldn't normally get away with because you are just relaying what your friend did or said. There are videos on you tube on this as well.

Speaking only for myself, if I have used the first 3 techniques properly, I have already built attraction and I don't need to be sexually overt to escalate sexually. My point is that you can use techniques to build sexually but if you are running Attraction and Comfort correctly, you really don't need to risk having to use verbal sexual escalation which can easily trigger ASD.
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Re: verbal sexual escalation?

Postby Tribulus1000 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:38 pm

Two words - Sexual Framing.

Read Captain Jack's

Strawberry Fields
Rings on Fingers
Cosmo Routine (posted a search)

Also try
Question Game
The Cube
Discovery Channel Pattern (RJ)

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Re: verbal sexual escalation?

Postby RockStar » Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:45 am

yeah captain Jack's version of strawberry fields is evil in it's sexual framing. :)

also look for ciran's shock and awe method. amazing sexual stuff.

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Re: verbal sexual escalation?

Postby Khaos » Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:41 am

i dont use routines but ill try the strawberry fields and thanks guys. plus is it a bad idea to talk about past sexual situations like "yesterday i was getting the best blow job of my life"
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