Its EASY just let it happen...

Mystery Method, Speed Seduction, Cocky & Funny, etc. (Post only field tested material)

Its EASY just let it happen...

Postby Lucky9 » Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:17 pm

1....2....3....4....5 <==========These are steps right

First is step 1 then 2....3....and so on!

Step 1. Go somewhere, anywhere

Step 2. Talk to anybody and everybody

Step 3. Talk to Someone for long as you possibly can

Step 4. Dont be scared ask for a number, ask to bounce, TRY to escalate, TRY what YOU read in all of these books

Step 5. You just Became a Pick up artist

Tribulus put a post up a few weeks ago similar to this and HE WAS RIGHT but let me further explain MY VIEW POINT because its so much easier than you think its just that you are letting your brain talk you out of what really matters.

Step 1. GO TO A VENUE:
-Go to a bar, club, bookstore, coffee shop, join a networking group, your friends party, GO ANYWHERE THERE ARE WOMEN, and dont be scared to get out. This is the hardest most easiest step to overcome but if you get somewhere then 50% of your game is accomplished because your in front of someone.

-That HB 10 you saw the other night that you wanted so bad, got up that morning, took a shower, brushed her teeth, ate breakfast, went to work, had a shitty or Great day just like you. She is human just like you, she talks to her friends just like you. If shes in a group then go talk to them, who cares what happens, I have said the most boldest/craziest things to the hottest women and been blown out. The more your Blown out the bigger your balls will get. What most AFCs are doing is thinking about what to say after what she said.
Example: If a HB says Hi it means Hi.... dont worry about "what it meant" or "what you need to say next." Dont worry about how to open them, just open them, "Hi Im trying to make new friends" <====It works "Hi should I know you" , "Hi I saw you standing over here by yourself all lonely, I wanted to come talk to you because you look cool" <=====I called a girl that I got her number from opening her with this and...we had GREAT sex, a girl from this last weekend. Dont use these canned openers, "Who lies more, Girls or guys?" It worked at one time but that time is over, and canned is overused. ITS EASIER THEN YOU THINK, OVERTHINKING ALL OF IT IS MAKING EVERYTHING HARDER. Dont worry about what you need to say next just talk

-If your new and need more practice then when you open someone talk to them for as long as you possibly can, Fuck the akwardness, what will eventually happen is you will learn what works for you and what doesnt. After you start really talking your going to learn that HBs are very similar to you...they are not from another planet.

-Next time your talking to a girl for a few minutes just do ME A FAVOR before you run off just say "I gotta get back to my friends but whats your number?" If the conversation was halfway decent and you made it somewhat fun dont be suprised that you just got a number. After talking for about 10-15 or even 30 minutes start trying what your read in all of the books we have all read. Try Kino, Escalation, comfort, ETC.


In addition: Lets be honest 1 night maybe 2 nights of straight opening set after set and talking and talking from about 8:00PM to 1:30 - 2:00 AM and your going to( A. GROW BALLS and not give a fuck anymore which is great B. Gain more Confidence C. Have a style that you understand works for you. ) I went out alone for a while and Iam soooooo much better from what I used to be, I know your thinking its not that easy or there has to be more. This is what I learned going out and reading and this is all it takes to get started.

I dont know everything but I do know this works!
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Re: Its EASY just let it happen...

Postby Tribulus1000 » Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:08 pm

I was lurking when I saw this. Nice Post. It kinda fills in the gaps.

Yes it is that easy. You are correct.

The only thing I would add is that if there is any resistance or insecurity or "I could never do that!" kinda thing inside you or feelings of incompetence (incompetence meaning that one has not done whatever it is a sufficient number of times)....if there is any of that stuff in your head....GET ON IT AND GET IT SOLVED.

We used to say Work on Sticking Points but a great many of these things are not only sticking points but insecurities and weird habits.

If you haven't kissed a girl in say 3-6 months, then perhaps that's a good goal. That's just an example off my head so don't think I'm singling anyone out.
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