Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

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Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Alger » Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:22 am

I am 25 and I have heard it all. “If you go up to 100 girls you are bound to get one.” Tried it, and all 100 times the same exact fucking results. I even tried it without hesitation, and did that in a period of less than three weeks. Kept positive attitude, same result every time.

Been trying some of the PUA techniques, results have been limited. I have overcome my AA, and still results have been sluggish. I know that belief about you can’t give a shit, I try that often and still no results. The one I have heard since high school is that “time will come, just be patient.” That is nothing more than bullshit. I am 25 and have been only with one girl. I didn’t have a good high school experience socially, or at college, and most of my life I have been an outcast. For example, even when I was a good athlete and made most goals in a sport I would be picked last on the team. That is not hyperbole about being picked last always, that is literally.

I don’t know why this is just the case. People are born athletes, people are born charismatic, people are born artistic, and people are born talented. I feel now that I was born to be unsuccessful with women or successful socially. Despite I have a BA in Speech Communications and Rhetoric.

Rockstar has proven that looks do matter, and they do. Now I want to find out a different type of proof. That anyone can be a pick up artist. I know I sound negative, but I am not socially dumb. I know when people are lying and rarely can people hide it from me even when they think they can. I am socially knowledgeable.

I am finally coming clean. For many people they are upset about things like not having sex with a girl in weeks. I have only had sex with a single girl once in 25 years, and have been persistent with attempting and not giving up. I want proof now that anyone can be good with women. The proof is provided that I am able to finally get real results. I am admitting I have pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) and it can effect my social skills. I am ready for change in my life and I really want someone to help me prove it is possible.
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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Mojo » Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:39 pm

Luke: "I...I don't believe it!"

Yoda: "That is why you failed."

Much wisdom and knowledge of psychology in Star Wars.

Alger wrote: I feel now that I was born to be unsuccessful with women or successful socially. Despite I have a BA in Speech Communications and Rhetoric.

Limiting belief #1

Alger wrote:
Rockstar has proven that looks do matter, and they do. Now I want to find out a different type of proof. That anyone can be a pick up artist.

Limiting belief #2

Btw, Herbal (from The Game) looks like a dork. Herbal gets HB10s. I've seen his women for myself. And I've seen the transformation from geek to Sheik in many guys. It is a wonderful thing.

Alger wrote:
I know I sound negative, but I am not socially dumb. I know when people are lying and rarely can people hide it from me even when they think they can. I am socially knowledgeable.

Being able to read people is good. Being able to interact whimsically is good too.

Alger wrote: I have only had sex with a single girl once in 25 years, and have been persistent with attempting and not giving up.

There is so much pressure to getting the first girl. Success builds on success. We need to get you laid, bro.

The constant rejection by cold approaching may not help. I think that is one of the big hurdles for guys to get through. I'd suggest to go out, have fun, bs with the other guys in the group. No need to get laid and don't feel like you have to. Get the pressure of your back

Alger wrote:
I want proof now that anyone can be good with women.

Not anyone can get good with women if they approach it wrong. Most of this is inner game. The strategies you read about are hollow without having inner game. Integrity, confidence, and having an awesome life. I know of one guy (I will not name) that has been in the community for the better part of the decade and he does not get laid. He has been working on how to manipulate women rather than working on his own self. A good self-improvement book is The Seven Habits of Successful people is a good book to read.

Unlimited Power is a good book to reprogram the mind for better results. And ultimetly one must have a mind programmed correctly to be successful in this and in life. You beliefs have a HUGE affect on your own reality. You have more power to control your reality than you think. As Ford said, "whether you believe you can or can't, your right" If you don't believe it, it will be why you failed.
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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Alger » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:29 am

Hey Mojo

I liked how you mentioned my limiting beliefs and it helped remember it. I have read the Anthony Robbins book you mentioned, and followed that Henry Ford quote quite frequently. I always focus on improving inner game and that has been my focus these past few weeks. That kind of adds to the frustration because your mood is good and your thought pattern is right and not adhering to the limiting beliefs,, but it is kind of like the straw that breaks the camels back in the sense that how long is it going to take for change to occur. I like how you mentioned about the pressure and obstacle it is for a guy to get to the first girl and that is a hurdle that is very hard to overcome, and very possibly the hardest.
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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby RockStar » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:24 pm

mystery was a virgin until 19 i do believe. (correct me if i'm wrong...but i think that's right) and he's the best pickup artist in the world...well according to "the list"

Be patient. You are getting better. every time i see you.

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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Gamble » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:40 pm

Yeah man, I was a virgin till I was 19 too. I was ashamed of it until recently when I realized that when I lost my virginity didn't matter to anyone, especially me. All you can do is learn and grow from your experiences. When I was in the Army, we would all sit around and tell field reports to each other pretty much, and I would lie my ass off because I was embarrassed that I had been a virgin until right before I joined. What I didn't realize was that there was a group of guys there that I could have learned a great deal from. And once I picked up The Game, I started taking mental notes of what some of these naturals were doing. I didn't have a community of guys willing to help me out and give me tips so I learned naturally from my friends and peers. Then when I moved to Dallas I applied all the things that I had learned from them to the things that I have learned from the guys here and my game exploded. I know I am still nothing compared to what I could be, and what I want, but I am happy with my progression. I never compare myself with other people because if I did, I would get so discouraged. What I do is I look back to how I was when I first learned about the community. I reflect on all the things I have learned to do, and all the things that I have done and it encourages me to rise even higher.
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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Alger » Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:50 am

That is definitely all true about not comparing oneself to others and being patient. It is like one of those things where you know your thinking pattern is wrong. It is just hard to be consistent all the time having a positive and realistic thinking pattern especially if you have had a bad night sarging. If you know what I mean.
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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Mojo » Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:46 pm

Alger wrote: It is like one of those things where you know your thinking pattern is wrong. It is just hard to be consistent all the time having a positive and realistic thinking pattern especially if you have had a bad night sarging. If you know what I mean.

I think you will learn much from the Friday 13th meeting.
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Re: Coming clean and the straw that breaks the camels back

Postby Alger » Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:50 pm

That probably would be true if I am going to be at that meeting. I will be in Vegas though!! Let's hope I learn a lot there and get some ass!
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